PBNU will seek clarification from PWNU over disputed board members
Selasa, 11 Mei 2010 | 08:27 WIB
The Central Board of Nadlatul Ulama (PBNU) will seek clarification (tabayyun) from the East Java's NU Regional Board (PWNU) on the proposed Extraordinary Conference (MLB)
"NU will send a letter of clarification (to the PWNU) first, what is the answer, if it still ask for MLB, NU will take a stand," general chairman of PBNU KH Said Agil Siradj, popularly known as Kang Said, said as attending the 32nd anniversary of PT Polowijo Gosari in Ujung Pangkah Gresik recently.
Unfortunately, Kang Said did not give details of what stand or action will be taken by the Indonesia's largest Muslim organization.
The PWNU recently proposed the possible MLB for being disappointed with the composition of the new members of PBNU for being considered to have revised the composition without involving what called as formation team that was also elected by participants (muktamirin) of Makassar's NU conference.
Present at the meeting were deputy governor Syaifullah Yusuf, the leader of Lirboyo Islamic boarding school KH Idris Marzuki (Kediri), the regent of Gresik KH Robbah Maksum (nam).