What measures will you take to develop the PWNU in the future?
The first measure, I will gather and invite all chairmen of (Nahdlatul Ulama) institutions, committees (lajnah), autonomous bodies to arrange such short and long-term programs in accordance with their own field.<>
Alhamdulillah, over two months we have been on the right track like Lakpesdam chaired by Prof Kacung Marijan who is now making a more specific site (East Java's PWNU). Expecting this institution not to depend on the PWNU, we have looked for an internet cafe for it in collaboration with the Sarbumusi, located on Jln. Citarum No.1.
We then involve the Lesbumi with preaching institution jointly. We have also planned to have FM radio station and Insya Allah (God willing) we name it FM Sembilan. There has been hope to have a wave and directly comercial rather than community radio. Its would expectedly be located at the PWNU headquarters. The radio is expected to be a means of preaching for the PWNU. We have also expected to have local TV station with the name TV 9. (to be continued)
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Gus Baha Akan Hadiri Peringatan Isra Miraj di Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta pada 27 Januari 2025
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