Jakarta, NU Online
Two couples of president and vice president candidates alternately has visited Nyai Sinta Nuriyah residence. After Joko Widodo, then followed by Prabowo-Sandi together. On Wednesday (9/26) KH Ma’ruf Amin visited the family of the fourth president of Indonesia.
Kiai Ma’ruf Amin welcomed by Nyai Sinta Nuriyah, Yenny Wahid, KH Abdul Moqsith Ghazali, Rumadi Ahmad, Romo Benny Susetyo. Even Mahfud MD accompanied Gus Dur family to welcome vice president’s candidate who is couple of Jokowi.
After meeting with Kiai Ma’ruf Amin, Gus Dur family who led by Yenny Wahid carried out a press conference to state political support. Yenny was accompanied by Konsorsium Kader Gus Dur which was consist of several organizations.
At the press conference, Yenny Wahid, represented Gus Dur family, supported firmly number 01 candidate. “By saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, we state that we support president and vice president candidate number 01. Bismillah, Presiden Jokowi will lead Indonesia again,”said Yenny Wahid, on Wednesday (9/26) afternoon.
The second daughter of Gus Dur stated, the president and vice president who supported was figures that close to lower class and grassroot people. That was in accordance with egalitary Gus Dur character.
“Leader who we seek is people who ready to move. Leader who close to the people, leader who is simple in their thinking that this nation must fulfil basic need of people,” said Yenny.
Besides Gus Dur family, nine organizations which joined in the Gus Dur Cadre Consortium also stated to support Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin.
The nine organizations are Barikade Gus Dur, Gerakan Kebangkitan Nusantara (Gatara), Jaringan Perempuan Nusantara, Forum Silaturahim Santri Nusantara, Forum Kiai Kampung Nusantara, and Forum Alumni Timur Tengah.
However, Yenny Wahid affirmed that her mother, Sinta Nuriyah was not involve in the president election. She is a motherof nation.
“Her task was to remind if there were disobedient between two parties,” said Yenny. (Fathoni)