
Islam as a religion of humanity in the view of Nadirsyah Hosen

Selasa, 11 September 2018 | 03:08 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
The central board of Nahdlatul Ulama held a discussion named Forum Tashwirul Afkar with the title Islam religion of humanity. Attend as a speaker was Nadirsyah Hosen, senior lecturer from faculty of law Monash University in Jakarta on Monday (9/10).
In the discussion, Nadirsyah explained several reasons why Islam was a religion of humanity, such as transformation process “revelation of the sky” being values which has been implemented in the daily life “so humane”. 

Gus Nadir exemplified, how Muhammad figure who was “an ordinary people” in the Arabic community successed to transform the word of Allah in a humane way.

The transformation process of islamic values in a humane way proved that an ordinary people (in the positive context) could do something extraordinarily. So, an ordinary people can also be a president,” said Nadirsyah, giving an example, which was greeted with laugh by participants. 

He continued, Islam since its birth in Makkah, has been brought universal humanity values.”Such as, since 15 centuries ago, Islam talked antirasism, long before anyone else talked that,” he explained. 

The universality of islamic value, Gus Nadir continued, was one of special wealth to introduce islamic values for all people, include non-Moslem.

The universal islamic values could be found in many prophetic stories where Rasulullah was not differentiate tribes or religions related to justice, included when he gave protection to non-Moslem who live in Makkah after fatkhu makkah.

Other values which was explained by Gus Nadhir was fairness in Islam. “Islam teach us to carry out the mandate to the rightful,” said Nadirsyah. Fairness principle in Islam is one of primary teaching that can not be ‘disturbed’ by ‘like’ or ‘dislike’.

“Don’t be unfair to the people whom we don’t like,” he explained.

The clear Gus Nadir’s explanation got response from participants who fulfil the NU Library at the 2nd floor of NU Building. The participants that come from several groups was very enthusiastic. Therefore, when they could not ask question in the discussion, they continued the asked and question session after discussion closed. 

Secretary general of Nahdlatul Ulama Helmy Faishal said, the discussion was a routine agenda that was be held to spread Islam rahmatan lil alamiin. He said, this was a transformation of Islam Ahlusunnah wal Jamaah an Nahdliyah values which put forward kindness when preaching. 

“NU always teach Islam as Muhammad prophet taught; that is, a friendly Islam, not an angry Islam; an embracing Islam, not a hitting Islam; an inviting Islam, not mocking Islam. (Ahmad Rozali)
