
NU national meeting takes up issue of popular sovereignty

Selasa, 11 Desember 2018 | 15:55 WIB

NU national meeting takes up issue of popular sovereignty


Jakarta, NU Online
The Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has issued an official decision regarding the main theme of the 2nd NU National Conference.

The event, which will be held in February at the Miftahul Huda Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School, Citangkolo, Kujangsari, Langensari, Banjar City, West Java, will take up the issue of popular sovereignty through the theme "Strengthening the National Service for People's Sovereignty".

The theme is derived from four sub-themes, namely the state, environment, economy and culture.

"The NU national conference will take up the populist issue that is now being felt by our nation," Marsudi Syuhud, the chairperson of the NU National Conference Steering Committee said in Jakarta, recently.

The theme is a form of NU's response to the issue that is developing widely in the community. Some issues that will be discussed in detail include agrarian reform, radical group threats, demographic bonus challenges, and garbage threats that need to be supported by religious propositions. (Ahmad Rozali/Masdar)
