
Santri Nusantara league rise up sport spirit

Ahad, 9 September 2018 | 15:02 WIB

Tegal, NU Online
The competition of Santri Nusantara League (LSN) which was initiated by Rabithah Ma’ahid Islamiyah (RMI) or the association of Nahdlatul Ulama islamic boarding school together with Ministry of Youth and Sport proved to contribute the birth national level players. 

This statement was told by chairman of NU Tegal regency H Akhmad Wasy’ari while opened LSN central Java region III sub 1 Tegal at Trisanja Slawi sportcenter (GOR) Tegal, on Saturday (9/8).

“It can not denied, from LSN, national football player such as M Rafli has been born,” said Wasy’ari. 

Besides that, continued Wasy’ari, after Santri Nusantara League running, national football has showed some achievements.

“The inisiator of LSN, Cak Imin (Muhaimin Iskandar) has risen up national sport spirit. PCNU give high appreciation to the LSN,” he added.  

Wasy’ari who is secretary of education and culture department sent message to santri to play sportsmanship. If violations are occur while competing, it would not be a problem. 

“When there is a sledding, recite shalawat, it is to keep friendship. Show Santri leagues as the only one sharia league,” he asked. 

H Wasy’ari also remind commemoration of Santri National Day on October 22. 

“I also entrust to RMI to celebrate Santri Day, with Resolusi Jihad carnival and healthy walking competition. Congratulate to RMI and committee of LSN. Hopefully given convenience,” he said, finished the speeches.

Present at the meeting, chief of supreme council Tegal regency KH Chambali Utsman, acting official regent of Tegal Hj Umi Azizah, who is also chair of Muslimat NU, head of RMI KH Syamsul Arifin, head of tourist and sport department Suharinto and administrators of NU otonomous bodies.  (Nurkhasan/Muiz)
