
Mass organizations told to soften their preaching tone

Rabu, 9 Februari 2011 | 15:53 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
Minister of Religion Suryadharma Ali urged Wednesday religious mass organizations to soften their preaching tone after two religious-related violent incidents erupted two days after each other recently.

An attack toward followers of the Ahmadiyah sect on Sunday in Banten left three dead and five injured. Two days later angry mobs dissatisfied with a trial progress on a blasphemy trial damaged severely three churches in Temanggung, Central Java.r />
“I will also communicate with [mass organizations] to rebuild society in a better way. We will evaluate [the method of] spreading awareness on the SKB [the joint decree on Ahmadiyah sect],” he said, as quoted by

Under the SKB, followers of Ahmadiyah are prohibited to spread their version of Islam, but it also prohibits citizens from carrying out unlawful action toward Ahmadis.

Suryadharma asked for society to refrain from conducting violence in the name of religion.

“It’s a basic principle that [applies to] whoever toward whomever. One cannot conduct violence in the name of religion,” he said.

Suryadharma said that the people should not attempt to take justice into their own hands if they discovered someone violated society’s norms. (jp/dar)
