Writer : Ayu Sutarto
Publisher : Khalista, Surabaya
Edition : II, Januayi 2007
Thick : xv + 119 Pages
Reviewer : Ach Syaiful A'la
It is not long after the publication of the book entitled “Berjuang Sampai Akhir: Kisah Seorang Mbah Muchit” (2006), Mbah Muchit’s book entitled: “Menjadi NU, Menjadi Negara: Pemikiran KH Abdul Muchit Muzadi” has recently been published.<>
This book is not the same as the first mainly elaborating the biography of Mbah Muchit that tells his teen ages, education, social activities, organization and family.
The book written by Ayu Sutarto focuses mainly on Mbah Muchit’s thoughts about NU, for example the relationship between NU and politics, NU and Muhammadiyah, NU and Pesantren (Islamic boarding school), NU and its internal conflicts, NU and the most special clerics and even how to be NU and Indonesia. The above each point has been meticulously elaborated.
Mbah Muchit has long time devoted himself to NU in both protecting and upholding the jam’iyyah diniyyah ijtima’iyyah (religious social organization) of NU without any personal interest and politics. So it is not so strange if Mbah Muchit tends to be regarded as such a reference for young people and journalists in dealing with the NU’s tracks and struggles and his experiences in NU.
Besides, he has often be such object of researches, even in some books placing him as their main source. On account of the fact, Mbah Muchit has till now been considered as a “marketable” figure.
So it is reasonable enough if the writer regards the man of Mbah Muchit as writer, historian or appropriately the actor in NU’s history. He can also be called as politician due to his long experiences in political organization.
NU and State
Tracing NU in the past, it would surely make people aware of the contribution having been given to Indonesia. Why? Because KH Hasyim Asy’ari and KH Wahid Hasyim with his Majlis Islam A’la Indonesia (MIAI) had ever supported the Indonesian Political Union/gabungan (Gapi) in an action calling for what so-called as “Indonesia Berparlemen”. At that time many NU’s figures had also participated actively in the Investigating Council for Efforts of Indonesia’s Independence (BPUPKI) and the Preparatory Committee of Indonesia’s Independence (PPKI). In this context, it is not so strange if KH Wahid Hasyim was pointed to be one of the “Panitia Sembilan” (Committee of Nine) formulating “Piagam Jakarta” (Jakarta’s Charter) leading in turn to both Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
In upholding the independence as there were efforts to struggle for Indonesia’s independence from the hands of colonial, NU then issued the Resolusi Jihad (Jihad Resolution). In the taken firm measure, NU insisted that the Indonesia’s independence must be defended. The influence of the resolution was “captured” on such a scale turbo-charging the heroic event on 10 November 1945. The even is then nationally commemorated as the National Hero’s Day.
In addition at the National Ulema of NU and the NU’s 27th Congress in Situbondo, East Java in 1984, NU surely and convincingly accepted Pancasila as the only ideology, preceding any other organizations in Indonesia. Even KH Ahmad Siddiq as the Rais Aam of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) stated that the state of Pancasila as the final form of the Muslims’ efforts in establishing state. Then those willing to disturb the existence of the Pancasila and must face NU.
The viewpoints of Mbah Muchit about being NU and Indonesia suggest that NU can no longer be separated from state. For that reason, NU is born and the biggest religious social organization in Indonesia.
The reviewer is activist of Indonesian Muslim Students Movement of the Sunan Ampel High Institute of Islamic Studies Surabaya.
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