Writer: Abu Dzarrin Al-Hamidy, et al.
Introduction: KH Miftachul Akhyar
Publisher: Khalista
Edition: Juli 2008
Thick: xiv+288hlm; 14,5 x 21cm
Reviewer: Ahmad Shiddiq Rokib
The role of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) for the road of Indonesian civilization can not be put aside. Its accommodative attitude towards culture may be considered as an evidence that Islam always gives chance for the development of culture that is being such an instinct for each community. That is why NU has always maintained local culture as a means of fostering religious tradition of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah. The face of Islam offered by NU is the Indonesianess mirroring one. This accommodative attitude is not taken from opportunistic calculations. Rather, it is a form of open religious paradigm externalization without regarding the culture as white-black scene.<>
The Indonesianess civilization formed by NU is the national civilization based on religious morals. Islamic values gives inspiration and moves Indonesia's national life. The values are not put to establish a formalistic Islamic state but they are put to establish a religious state. NU is aware that in empirical reality Indonesia is a plural nation established by fairly synergizing the nation's different tribes and faiths and even various matters like economy, legal and so on.
The book produced from scientific papers competition (LKTI) that was organized by the East Java's NU Regional Board elaborates more issues such as NU and religious matters, politics, education, culture and social. The book explains what is interesting to note and then apply in actualizing the role of NU as a religious social organization so it will benefit Nahdliyin being marginalized by capitalism and neo-colonialism.
The book written by M. Suhaidi R.B, entitled NU and the Transformation of Aswaja:Revitalization of NU Social Liberation Movement in Empowering the Umma entirely, for instance, tries to present a critic on more dominant NU (political) dynamics. On account of the political dynamics, the participation of NU in a wide range of sectors comes to fluctuation and tends to pay no attention to reality faced by the ummah. (to be continued)
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