Writer : Mukhlas As-Syarkani Al-Falahi
Publisher : LTMI NU, Jakarta
Edition : 1, August 2008
Thick : (VI + 211) pages
Reviewer : Mashudi Umar
In its historical journey, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has always given big contribution to the nation and religion. NU has not only involved in physical struggle (for independence) and played its political roles but also upheld the value of Islam as blessing for the universe (rahmatan lil alamin) which constituted an important issue on its third International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) early last august by preserving, developing and practicing the teaching of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) in international world so that in its cultural and practical beliefs NU has remained tolerant.<>
The Debate on Khilafah, from Tawasul to the Jakarta's Charter has absolutely excited the interest of NU followers. In the New Order era (for instance) the NU followers were attacked, discriminated and marginalized and their daily ritual practices were debated and criticized. Even the mosques they have taken pains to build through their own money have been seized by some new "unscrupulous" religious sects so-called as "Islamism".
Even in disturbing Islamic community especially the Nahdliyin (NU followers), there has been a "deviant" book entitled: Ex-NU cleric (kiai) Criticizes Shalawat and Dzikr as Syirk which was written by Mahrus Ali. The beliefs and rituals of the Nahdliyin have been considered as politheistic, misleading and deviant acts.
All this momentous event has clearly been traced by the most productive writer on religious books in Malaysia Mukhlas As-Syarkani Al-Falahi. He can in detail elaborate the religious rituals practiced by Muslims in Indonesia and compare them in factual considerations. The book talks more about what being commonly debated in society on such a scale dealing especially with religious practices of NU followers.
The debate on the branches (furu'iyah) within NU community becomes such a primary discussion in the book. For example, the tawasul having been practiced since the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), then followed by his companions, tabi'in, ulema of madzhab (school of thought) till the time of ours have now been criticized by those declaring themselves as "the angels" having prophetic duties to eliminate as well as wipe out what called as TBC (takhayul, bid'ah, and churafat).
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