He spent a lot of time studying from prominent ulema in his hometown such as KH Abdul Rasyid and KH Abdul Hamid (Qadhi Bone). In addition, he also spent his chilhood in a formal education so-called as People's School (SR).<>
When he was at a young age, Ramli left for Mekkah to perform hajj (pilgrimage) and study religious sciences for three years. Following his return from the Holy City, Ramli was so modest (tawadlu) and not arrogant. Ramli used to visit ulema in South Sulawesi and study to them like KH Ahmad Bone, Sheikh Mahmud al-Madani, Sheikh Radhi and Sheikh Asan al-Yamani.
Ramli started his career when he was appointed as a badal (deputy) cheif of Indonesian hajjs from South Sulawesi. He was later appointed as a chief of the Indonesian hajjs for three years. From this Ramli was mandated to be Imam (leader) of Kajuara Mosque and then served as Qadhi (jurist) in Luwu. He reached the peak of his career when he was the member of the Constitutional Assembly of Indonesia (Konstituante) from the NU faction and was appointed as Imam of Ujung Pandang (Makassar) Gand Mosque.
In 1946 KH Muhammad Ramli departed for Bone to actively involve himself in struggling for Revolution. Along with other ulema he later established an organization called as Rabithatul Ulema (RU). In this organization he served as one of chairmen while the position of general chairman was KH Ahmad Bone.
Conducting mission in regard with Aswaja
In conducting any mission of his preaching in regard with the teachings of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja), KH Ramli developed such methods as giving sermon and holding religious gatherings through interesting and sympatic styles capable of winning the hearts of people. He held fast to the principles of Aswaja. He used to implement this creed to his santri in particular and people in general.
KH Muhammad Ramli was of principle that what is very important in Islam is aqidah (creed). For that reason he always strove as maximally as possible to seed the foundations of the akidah to people.
With his all efforts, KH Muhammad Ramli successfully eradicated any politheistic ritual commonly still practiced by Luwu's people in the time. At that time most people in Luwu still worshipped trees, rivers, stones and so on. Though it was strictly forbidden by Islam the practice was still tolerated by Kingdom. Looking at the fact, KH Muhammad Ramli felt obliged to deal with any mistake respecting the creed of his people.
He used to give clear explanations to his people in omitting all misleading and politheistic beliefs still practiced by people in South Sulawesi. On account of his firm measures in any religious gathering, in Luwu the religious life in accordance with the teachings of Aswaja can be felt till now.
The firmness of KH Muhammad Ramli in organizing religious life in Luwu, for instance, can be seen in deaing with the practice of Friday's sermon (khutbah). Though his teacher KHM As'ad obliges the sermon to be delivered with local languages, KH Muhammad Ramli in reference to religious books (kitab kuning) is of view that the sermon could be delivered in Arabic.
So according to KH Muhammad Ramli, a preacher might be enough delivering his sermon in Arabic in regard with its principles (rukun) and explaining a little more about the call of the importance of increasing goodness and piety (taqwa) with local languages, the ones can easily be understood by the local people. As for KH Muhammad Ramli, all this is part of following Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in calling on people to achieve goodness in accordance with their own capacity.
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