Different questions from Prophet Jesus and Prophet Yahya when visiting a village
Senin, 3 Juni 2019 | 11:08 WIB
In the book so-called al-Zuhd, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal revealed a history when Prophet Jesus and Prophet Yahya came to an area. Here's the history:
Abdullah told me, my father told me, Sufyan bin ‘Uyainah told a story, he said:
(One time) Yahya and Jesus alaihimassalam came to a village. Jesus alaihissalam asks about bad villagers while Yahya asks about good villagers. Then Jesus was asked:
"Why did you go (looking for) bad people?"
Prophet Jesus replied: "Verily I am a physician (doctor) who (is assigned to) heal those who are sick." (Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, al-Zuhd, Cairo: Dar al-Rayyan li al-Turats, 1992, p. 86 )
We need to reflect on why the prophets have different characteristics. Some stand out for their patience; there are some having good leadership; there are some having prominent intelligence, and so on, including Prophet Isa and Prophet Yahya. However, we will not discuss the differences in these characteristics. We simply understand one of the lessons, namely everyone, with a variety of innate traits, has the same opportunity to be cautious, righteous and blessed. Because the levels of human nature are different, some are brave; some are timid; some are shy; some are easily angry; some are angry, and so on.
In the story above, Prophet Yahya asked or searched for the best people in the village, while Prophet Jesus even asked people who were bad in temperament. So people were surprised, why did Prophet Jesus ask them. But they were not too surprised by the Prophet Yahya's question. Let's follow a brief review.
They asked Prophet Jesus 'Peace be upon him: "Why did you go (looking for) bad people?" Prophet Jesus replied: "Surely I am a physician (doctor) who (is assigned to) heal those who are sick." If people are sick, in this case people who are not good, shunned and abandoned, they will not find a cure. Often, people who are still sick don't even come to their minds that they are sick, that they need a healer. They live as they should from day to day without trying to be good. Because they really don't feel sick.
Not to mention if "sick" is obscured by the rebuke and insults from the people around him. Do not consider the rebuke could clarify the "pain" they suffered, no. A rebuke the more they receive, the more they disguise their "pain", so they don't feel themselves sick. Because the anger they feel is covering up the illness they are suffering from.
What Prophet Jesus did was an effort to cure their "sickness". He was sent to deliver the treatises of his Lord, one of them by alleviating them from the shackles of moral illnesses they suffered, especially according to Prophet Jesus the practice of good ihsan is not limited to doing good to good people, but further than that, doing good to bad people. He said:
"Indeed Ihsan is not (when) you do good to those who are good to you, because it is a reward of goodness, but Ihsan is (when) you do good to those who harm you." (Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, al-Zuhd , 1992, p. 74)
The question of Prophet Yahya (PBUH) in the story above is also interesting. Because approaching those who do good deeds is no less important. At least there are possibilities that we can take. First, to keep them from being trapped into evil. Because, as long as humans live, there is no guarantee that they will have a good end (Husnul Khatimah), so they must continue to be guided.
Second, that those who are righteous do not fall into a state of so-called ujub. Because charity without a heart that is maintained will lead to pride (ujub). The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said (HR Imam al-Baihaqi):
"If you are sinless, I am afraid that you will meet (problems) greater than sin, namely ujub, ujub!" (Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad al-Baihaqi, Syu'ab al-almân, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah , 2017, juz 5, p. 453)
Third, that they do not rebuke those who are still "sick", so that these people could recognize the goodness that Prophet Jesus conveyed without interference and anger.
These three possibilities indicate that Prophet Jesus and Prophet Yahya seemed to be sharing duties. Prophet Jesus was familiar with the sinners, and Prophet Yahya approached the practitioners of goodness, for the sake of creating a healthy da'wah environment.
Hopefully it will be helpful. Wallahu a'lam bish shawwab
Muhammad Afiq Zahara, alumnus of Darussa’adah Islamic boarding school, Bulus, Kritig, Petanahan, Kebumen. (Masdar)
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