
NU told to manage its youth

Ahad, 18 November 2012 | 05:17 WIB

Kenitra, NU Online
Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia's largest Muslim organization, is asked to manage conflicts that exist among Nahdliyin, especially its youth. <>

"Thought clashes among NU youths are in need of a good management from NU board members at all levels," said Abdul Moqsith Ghazali at a gathering to commemorate the Islamic new year 1 Muharram 1434 H which was held by the Nahdlatul Ulama Special Brach Board (PCINU) of Morocco, in Kenitra on Saturday (17/11).

Moqsith said, one of the factors causing any possible friction that exists among NU is the intake of Western thought into Indonesia.

"This is a challenge for the young generation of NU concerning its human resources that are quite complex," he said.

At the same time, Muhammad Nasirudin also speaking in the discussion said that Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) as NU's  education centers should be responsive to the dynamics. 

"The NU youth especially those (living) overseas with their pesantren education background should be capable of responding to the real challenge and be able to react properly," he explained.

The Indonesia's Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco H. Tosari Widjaja attending on the occasion talked about her long experience in the NU in regard with management in the organization. 

"The differences in the NU's body that are not owned by other organizations should not be used as reason for disputes. We must remain respectful to each other," she said.

Present also in the discussion were H. Husnul Amal Mas'ud (Supreme Council of PCINU), H Habib Chairul Musta'in (Chairman of Indonesia's students association of Morocco), 15 lecturers and professors of Islamic universities who are engaged in the "Academic Recharging for Islamic Higher Education (ARFI)", Andy Hadiyanto (Jakarta State University lecturer who is also lecturing Indonesian at Mohammed V University, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco), and others.

Contributor : Kusnadi El-Ghezwa 
Editor : Sudarto Murtaufiq