In line with the lustrous modernization, the stigmatization of the yellow books is now strongly increased. They were regarded as unsystematic, old-fashioned, and conservative. Even there have been some trying to degrade them through a mislead survey as carried out by numbers of the Jakarta’s State Islamic University (UIN), saying that the pesantren books were considered as source of terrorists. The incessant propaganda of modernization has not made NU circles and Islamic boarding “pesantren” schools put aside the yellow books that were regarded as their powerful intellectual treasure.
The presence of a web site of yellow books managed by Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch Board (PCI NU) of Japan has, admitted or not, given a fresh nuance for readers of yellow books. These are now entering a cyber world as ultramodern realm. So, any works provided (from ulumul Qur’an/science of the Qur’an, science of exegesis, science of prophet tradition, fiqh/jurisprudence, tasawuf/Gnostic) can be freely opened and even downloaded by anyone. She/he can easily access trough the site. She/he need not go to libraries, pesantrens, and clerics.
Though many have said that these books were old fashioned, but these were in line with the historically knowledge. It means that the books constitute historical development from sciences as part of interpretation, and contextualization of Islamic teachings in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah (prophet tradition), as implemented by ulema for centuries throughout the Islamic world. That’s why, within the frame of NU point of view, no one can obtain the degree of ulema or kiai (cleric) without getting acquisition of the basic works that so-called as kutubul muktabaroh (authoritative works), handbooks of santris (students) and ulema in pesantrens.
Well, several years ago there was such criticism coming into existence over the status of the authoritative yellow books from restricting access of modern works. That’s not true absolutely. The yellow books constitute primary ones that should be mastered before getting acquisition of any “white” book as supporting tools. If in campuses there is certainly a possibility to determine compulsory and supporting books, then the raising question is that why within the pesantren milieu it’s not possible to set up the category. The pesantren circles have generally more comprehensively understanding about religion, because they know more about the development of religious tenets. For those who have no the understanding, they tend to be rigid and fanatic in thinking.
The ignorance of the yellow books may raise tragic far-reaching consequences. Because of pesantren’s ulema, modernists’ Islamic movements may produce many ulema. When the Islamic groups have really put aside the yellow books, so the groups would not have what so-called as ulema. Why? Because their understanding about religion is so narrow-mindedness. In consequence, these groups can no longer considered as Islamic organizations. The organizations without ulema would be eventually social organizations.
Nonetheless, the information of the site needs to be hastened. In the site, the there is no explanations as written in many books of ushuluddin (theology) and philosophy like masterworks of Imam Al-Asy’ari namelyAl-Ibanah, Al-Luma, Maqalatul Islamiyyin, Al-Farqu Bainal Firaq, Al-Maturidzi’s works, Imam Hanafi’s Fiqhul Akbar and Syahrastani’s Al-Milal wa Al-Nihal, and so on. Besides, the site just provides the books written by Middle East ulema. While the works of Javanese ulema (nusantara) have not provided yet, such as Sabilul Muhtadin of Sheikh Irsyad Al-Banjari, Sirojut Tholibin and Manahijul Imdad of Kiai Ihsan (Kediri), Hidayatussalikin of Sheikh Abdusshomad Al-Palimbangi, and also works of Nawawi Al-Bantani. Also what related to the disciplines of faraid, medicine, art, and literature. Our ulema have also written the legacies. These shoud be introduced gradually and comprehensively.
The works can be also continued to that written by following ulema such as Hadratussheikh Kiai Hasyim Asy’ari, Kiai Bisri Mustofa, and scores of ulema of Sumatera, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and Nusa Tenggara. These works were considered as alive ones for people have long time studied and made them as manuals in performing religious life. The works have not only strengthened their spirituality but also given them broad interesting of knowledge in understanding life and moral dignity.
Looking at the fact, it’s not true that the traditional Islamic thoughts have increasingly declined to compared to the developments of Muslims themselves. On the contrary, if they compared to the model of the West liberal “aufklarung”, pesantren thoughts have of course declined. That’s why, we must ward off the propaganda. And our NU friends in Japan have warded off the deviant voice by placing the yellow books within the frame of the discourse of contemporary knowledge. If the materials of the pesantren legacy is compared to any modern thought, perhaps they have high quality as the modern thought.
Well, we need to
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