Indonesia, the republic of money?
By Fatkhul Anas
The passing of time has unthinkably brought the nation of ours far beyond the era. The clock hands have also witnessed the nation's establishment from the ruins of national awakening till meeting its one century. Since 20 May 1908, the roots of nationalism have started to awaken in the beloved Bumi Pertiwi. Since the era of national awakening, the struggle for independence having initially been focused in regions has now changed to be the spirit of unity. It was the beginning of Indonesian 'aufklarung' era. The era that has given all Indonesian people the spirit to cultivate relationship in the struggle for reaching independence.
In the post-Indonesian independence, the spirit of unity has still been maintained and strong. Indonesia comprising thousands of islands, tribes, languages. cultures, races, and skins has remained in harmony within the frame of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). It is inevitable that any obstacles like efforts to separate from Indonesian territory, our nation has still stood on the NKRI. This means the spirit of unity has remained the principle of RI. All this cannot be separated from the National Awakening era in 1908.
Senin, 26 Mei 2008 | 09:12 WIB