Slamet Effendy Yusuf Pidato di Nairobi
Sabtu, 20 November 2010 | 05:00 WIB
November 17-21 , 2010 -- Nairobi, Kenya
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh
His Excellency Mr. President Republic of Kenya
Honorable Chairman of Global Peace Festival Foundation
Honorable Co-Chairs of Global Peace Convention
Distinguish guests, participants, ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to express my deepest gratitude and thank to the Organizing Committee and GPF Foundation International that already invite and give me the opportunity to speak in front of this amazing conference.
Please allow me to this wonderful opportunity to introduce shortly about my country, Indonesia. Indonesia is located in South East Asia that has the population around 238 millions. They live spread to thousands of the island, large, medium and small. There are 330 ethnics with their own local languages. Indonesia is a democratic country with the majority Muslim population (87%).
In addition to the Islam of Indonesia's population are Christian-Protestant, Catholic, Buddha, Hindu, Khonghucu (Confucian) and others. Therefore, our country is multi-ethnics, multi-religious, multi traditions, multi-local languages, but we live together in harmony. We live in peacefully, full of the spirit of togetherness and brother-sisterhood. We have the national motto that we call, ”Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (diversity in unity) with “Pancasila” (Five Principles) as a basic of the state. We strongly believe, only with unity our vision and dreams of an independent state can be attained.
I stand here representing the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) (the Indonesian Ulama Council). For your information NU is the largest Muslim organization in Indonesia with approximately 60 million members. It was founded on January 31, 1926.
NU has three important pillars or principles namely: 1) Tawasuth; a moderate attitude, which is based on the principles of justice and avoids any kind of extreme approaches; 2). Tasamuh; is a tolerant attitude, which endorses the appreciation of different views and the plurality of socio-cultural identity in the society; 3). Tawazun; is a balance attitude, which functions to create the harmonious relationships among fellow human beings as well as between humans and God Almighty (Allah).
NU is often working together with other religious groups and/or NGO to support the efforts of world peace by advocating reconciliation among parties within conflict zones, especially in the Muslim world. Recently, we became co-organizers with GPF Foundation to hold the Global Peace Leadership Conference and Global Peace Festival Asia Pacific 2010 in Jakarta from 15 to 18 October 2010.
On the other hand, the Indonesian Ulama Council is a council that gathers scholars and zu’ama to safeguard persistently the nation with humanity and spirituality values. By maintaining the spirituality values, we will be a part of colouring and glorying deeply in life. By keep strong in maintaining the spiritual values, we hope the greediness that giving a chance to exploit men by the others can be avoided.
Mr. President and distinguish participants.
I am very happy to be here in Kenya, one of the African countries. One of our nation founding fathers, DR. Soekarno together with Asia-Africa leaders campaigned to release all States in Asia-Africa from colonialism and imperialism and to become independent states. He was a well-known leader on his era, around the years 1950-1960, and very persistent against colonialism and imperialism.
Thank Almighty God, now as we know, all countries in Asia and Africa have been free from the shackles of colonialism. We now have already become independent states. Again, thank Almighty God, thank to our heroes.
The questions, are we as independent nations already get the success to engage our people to enjoy better life, more justice and prosperous? As the same position as sovereign states, whether there is equality, justice, mutual-respects and evenness between nations today? Is there today's exploitation of men by others, from one nation over other nations, have already over?
Unfortunately, honestly the answer to all these questions are “no”. And the answer 'no' is indicated by the order of a world today that full of inequality, injustice and even full of contradictions in the political, economic, social, and military. Until today we have witnessed the tremendous advances in science and technology that have created a glamour world of materialistic comforts.
But it is too bad that there are no limits on expenditures for weapons by several nation-states. According to SIPRI, an international peace research institution, during 2009 the amount for it is about 1,5 trilion US dollar. However, at the same time we find poverty, inequity, disease, ignorance, illiteracy and even hunger in the other hemispheres.
We could read and watch the huge of money is expensed for making wars, to produce and buy weapons, to satisfy the hedonic appetite, amidst the persistence of hunger, disease outbreaks are widespread, and the mere inability to obtain low education.
The conditions as mentioned above are actually caused the emergence of a world far from peace. And the world will be never in peace and harmony, as long as we cannot dismiss all kinds of greediness such as in political, economic, technology, and social.
I strongly believe we can reveal peace if we can develop attitudes of sharing, caring, and love toward fellow creatures of God, beyond ethnic, races, religions, traditions, cultures, nationality and countries differences.
That's why in my point of view, that the conflict resolution could be solved, if we are here, the participants here, seriously take responsibility to discuss about peace and development and produce the results with a concrete proposal about the steps that should be accomplished. I believe, only with the concrete and realistic steps, then the lasting peace can become true.
Through peace which is manifested the conducive situation, we can implement the social development. Lastly, with success of development, we then overcome our main problems: poverty, ignorance, inequity, illiteracy and hunger.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Since our convention’s aims to discuss about conflict resolution, peace and development, then let us make our forum to be able to design innovative concrete programs. Let us go beyond our differences in professions, occupations, nationalities, skin colors, religions, traditions and cultures among us, and to arouse a spirit of unity for the sake of world peace.
Therefore I, strongly call for:
1. Let us resolve the differences among us to build a dynamic and colorful cooperation for the sake of the world community to become more prosperous and equitable. Especially in relation with differences in religions, cultures and civilizations, let us reject the thesis of a “clash of civilization”.
On the other hand, let us develop a new paradigm of interfaith cooperation and with the fruitful dialogue among the civilizations. By knowing and then trusting each other, the differences of cultures and religious background will not become sources of conflicts. But, will encourage of true love, peace, brother-sisterhood and promotion of family values as the common ground for action-oriented interfaith partnerships.
2. Let us urged major power states to stop the competition in the field of production and spending on weapons of mass destruction. Divert of the funds direct to overcome hunger, poverty, inequity, disease, poor sanitation maintenance, ignorance, illiteracy, and remove slum areas, by providing education for the retarded, and provide protection to the victim of human rights violation.
3. Let from this convention, we convey a letter to leaders of all countries to remind them that in this new millennium the world will become a “global village”, and therefore, we are not going to build a century that causes a horrible legacy of war, conflict, misunderstanding, bitterness and hatred. We call upon for world leaders to resolve differences by consensus through dialogue and negotiations.
4. Last but not least, let the collaboration and relationships among the people, communities and nations are developed based on the spirit of mutual respect, brother-sisterhood, help each other, and give a mutual protection. Thus, our upcoming future life will become on the spirit one family under God’s Grace. In the new paradigm, the relationships between mankind are far from conflict, because we have the ability to cultivate our heart to dismiss the desire of conflict within ourselves.
Finally, thank you for your patient and May God Bless us.
Wallahulmuwaffiq ila aqwamiththariq
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Drs. H. Slamet Effendy Yusuf, M.Si,
Chairman of Central Board of NU, and MUI
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