
KH Hasyim Asyári teaches Shahih Bukhori during entire month of Ramadan

Ahad, 12 Mei 2019 | 03:01 WIB

KH Hasyim Asyári teaches Shahih Bukhori during entire month of Ramadan

KH. Hasyim Asyári

As narrated that when KH Hasyim Asy'ari taught the hadith, it was later known that one of his santri was a prminnet cleric KH Cholil Bangkalan who was taking part in the recitation. Yes, his expertise in the field of hadith is recognized by his teacher. Even Mbah Cholil did not hesitate to learn about the science of hadith to Kiai Hasyim Asy'ari.

After the recitation of the hadith was finished, the entire santri moved away, including Mbah Cholil Bangkalan. An unpretentious scene and tawadhu are seen, namely when Mbah Cholil was about to reach his sandals. However, Kiai Hasyim Asy'ari managed to grab his teacher's sandals. Then he put it on both feet of Mbah Cholil with respect.

The founder of the jami'yyah Nahdlatul Ulama, according to KH Saifuddin Zuhri's notes in Berangkat Dari Pesantren (2013: 202) which he obtained from the scholars of Tebuireng alumni, Hadhratussyekh KH Hasyim Asy'ari - like most scholars in Indonesia - belonged to the experts in Islamic jurisprudence (fuqaha). This means that he has a broad interesting and is very excellent of Islamic sciences.

In addition, according to Kiai Saifuddin Zuhri, he is also known as a scholar of hadith. It has become such a routine habit every month of Ramadan, Hadhratussyekh read the hadith of al-Bukhari, containing a collection of as as many as 7,275 hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Many scholars coming from various corners of the country had to stay in Tebuireng during the month of Ramadan to listen to the hadith read by KH Hasyim Asy'ari. His expertise was seen not only when he read the hadith carefully and quickly, but also when Hadhratussekh contextualized the dynamics of life and the changing times.

Zuhairi Misrawi in Hadratussyaikh Hasyim Asy'ari: Moderasi, Keumatan, Kebangsaan (2010) is one of the owners of the Sanad of the Hadith of Shahih Bukhari and Shahih Muslim. This shows that KH Hasyim Asy'ari had memorized thousands of hadith obtained from his teachers with clear scientific sanad. The genealogy or sanad of a book cannot be certified to someone who does not master and understand the book.

In term of KH Hasyim Asy'ari who could memorize thousands of hadiths, it was confirmed by Rais Syuriyah (chairman of lawmaking body) of Central Java Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) KH Ubaidullah Shodaqoh (2019). Even according to Kiai Ubaidullah, the wisdom of KH Hasyim Asy'ari approached the ranks of a mujtahid. Mujtahid can be said to be the ones who with their high and complete knowledge, have been able to explore and deduce Islamic laws from their original sources such as the Qur'an and Hadith.

Although memorizing thousands of hadith and their wisdom approaching the mujtahid level, KH Hasyim Asy'ari still gave room for deliberation with clerics (kiai) in Java and Madura such as when he initiated the Fatwa of Jihad Resolution on October 22, 1945 in order to fight Dutch military aggression II.

Though KH Hasyim Asy'ari rahimahullah memorized thousands of hadith and his wisdom approached the mujtahid level, to announce his Fatwa of Jihad Resolution October 22, 1945, he still invited Javanese and Madurese Muslim scholars. This is an example and form of tawadhu 'attitude because the context of the struggle at that time needed ideas, thoughts, and collective struggles of all elements of the nation.

Regarding the sanad of Shahih Bukhari and Shahih Muslim held by KH Hasyim Asy'ari, R. Ahmad Nur Kholis (2017) revealed the order of the two books of hadith from the book of Kifayatul Mustafid lima 'ala Minal Asanid by Syekh Mahfudh Termas (prominent Muslim scholar from Pacitan), one of KH Hasyim Asy'ari's teachers while studying in Makkah. The following is the order of the sanad:

The sanad of shahih Bukhari

The sanad of Shahih Bukhari from KH Hasyim Asy'ari through the Shaykh Mahfud Termas path to the hadith writers, namely Imam Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Bukhari consisting of the first and second lines:

First line:

1. KH Hasyim Asy’ari
2. Syaikh Mahfud Termas.
3. Syaikh Muhammad Abu Bakar Syatha Al-Makki.
4. Sayyid Ahmad Zaini Dahlan
5. Syaikh Utsman bin Hasan Ad-Dimyathi
6. Syaikh Muhammad bin Ali As-Syinwani
7. Syaikh Isa bin Ahmad Al-Barawi
8. Syaikh Muhammad Ad-Dafri
9. Syaikh Salim bin Abdillah Al-Bashri
10. Abdillah bin Salim Al-Bashri
11. Syaikh Muhammad bin Alaudin Al-Babili
12. Syaikh Salim bin Muhammad As-Sanhuri
13. Najm Muhammad bin Ahmad Al-Ghaytho
14. Syaikh Al-Islam Zakariya bin Muhammad Al-Anshari
15. Al-Hafidh Ahmad bin Ali bin Hajar Al-Asqalani
16. Ibrahim bin Ahmad At-Tanukhi
17. Abil Abbas Ahmad bin Thalib Al-Hajar
18. Husain bin Mubarak Az-Zabidi Al-Hambali
19. Abil Waqt Abdil Awwal bin Isa As-Sijzi
20. Abil Hasan Abdul Rahman bin Mudzaffar bin Dawud Ad-Dawudi
21. Abi Muhammad Abdullah bin Ahmad As-Srakhsi
22. Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Yusuf bin Mathar Al-Firabri
23. From the Compiler (the person who collected the hadith), namely: Al-Imam Al-Hafid Al-Hujjah Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Isma'il bin Ibrahim Al-Bukhari

Second line:

1. KH Hasyim Asy’ari
2. Syaikh Mahfudz Termas
3. Sayyid Husain Al-Habsyi
4. From his father Muhammad Husain Al-Habsyi
5. Umar bin Abdul Karim Al-Attar
6. Sayyid Ali bin Abdil Bar Al-Wina’i
7. Abdil Qadir bin Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Andalusi
8. Muhammad bin Abdillah Al-Idirsi
9. Al-Quthb Muhammad bin Alauddin An-Nahruwali
10. From his father
11. Abil Futuh Ahmad bin Abdillah At-Thawusi
12. Baba Yusuf Al-Hirawi
13. Muhammad bin Syadzikhat Al-Farghani
14. Abi Luqman Yahya bin Ammar Al-Khuttalani
15. Muhammad bin Yusuf Al-Farbary
16. Imam Muhammad bin Ismail Al-Bukhari

The Sanad of Shahih Muslim

The following is the book of the Shahih Muslim from KH Hasyim Asy'ari to the author of the book:

1. KH Hasyim Asy’ari
2. Syaikh Mahfud Termas.
3. Syaikh Muhammad Abu Bakar Syatha Al-Makki.
4. Sayyid Ahmad Zaini Dahlan
5. Syaikh Utsman bin Hasan Ad-Dimyathi
6. Syaikh Muhammad bin Ali As-Syinwani
7. Syaikh Isa bin Ahmad Al-Barawi
8. Syaikh Ahmad bin Abdil Fattah Al-Malawi
9. Syaikh Ibrahim bin Hasan Al-Kurdi
10. Syaikh Ahmad Muhammad Al-Qasyasyi
11. Syaikh As-Syams Muhammad bin Ahmad Ar-Ramli
12. Syaikh Zain Zakariya Muhammad Al-Anshari
13. Syaikh Abdirrahim bin Al-Furath
14. Syaikh Mahmud bin Khalafiyah Ad-Dimasyqi
15. Al-Hafidh Abdil Mu’min bin Khalaf Ad-Dimyati
16. Syaikh ABil Hasan Al-Muayyad bin Muhammad at-Thusi
17. Syaikh Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Fadhil Al-Farawi
18. Syaikh Abdil Ghafir bin Muhammad Al-Farisi
19. Syaikh Abi Ahmad Muhammad Al-Juludi
20. Syaikh Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Sufyan An-Naisaburi
21. Imam Al-Hafidh Abil Husain Muslim bin Hajjaj bin Muslim Al-Qusyairi An-Naisaburi (compiler)

