
NU teachings face hard obstacles

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013 | 22:23 WIB

Surabaya, NU Online
The reform era littered fully with globalization challenges has triggered a wide range of isms, especially in Indonesia including a growing number of local Islamic groups.<>

The emergence of these isms could certainly disturb the teachings of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah having so far been mainatined and preserved by Nahdlatul Ulama, the country's largest Muslim organization.

"Even right-wing Islamic movements are often identified as radical ones that used to claim truth as such an exclusive property and must be fought for and acceptable to others," chairman of lawmaking body of NU KH Malik Madani told NU Online here recently.

He was of the opinion the the right-wing conservative Islamic groups would even use pressure and intimidation to impose their ideas and beliefs on others.

Malik said what having so far been done by the right-wing Islamic movements was totally not the same as that propagated by left-wing Islamic groups because both right and left-wing groups have their own line of thoughts.

Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
