
IPPNU introduces Islam Nusantara in Vietnam

Kamis, 11 Juli 2013 | 11:32 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
Chairwoman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Female Students Association (IPPNU) Farida Farichah introduced Indonesian Islamic style so-called Islam Nusantara in Vietnam.<>

At least 50 young people from some 12 countries listened to her presentation about Islam Nusantara as Muslims' way of life in the world's most populous Muslim country.

"Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation and is the most populous Muslim-majority nation in the world, but Indonesia is not an Islamic," Farida told NU Online here on Wednesday (10/7).

According to Farida, at least 200 million Muslims in Indonesia are built by a sense of brotherhood, unity, and five state principles, Pancasila.

The support of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) as the largest Muslim organization in terms of the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) would alway preserve the unity of Indonesia's population that is equal before the law, Farida said, adding that Islam Nusantara as propagated by NU was very accommodating to the diversity of tribes, cultures, beliefs, and languages.

The presentation was delivered at the South East Asia Life Matters Course (LMC) in Dalat, Vietnam. Dozens of youth from different backgrounds and cultures were from such countries as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, United Kingdom, Laos, Singapore, and the Philippines.

The LMC lasted for ten days, Thursday-Sunday (27/6-7/7).

In addition to building strong leadership, the meeting also aimed at strengthening network of cultural encounters leading to world peace. The meeting was expected to bring forth fresh ideas to deal with the problems of globalization.

Reporting by Alhafiz Kurniawan; Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq