Seoul, NU Online
In the holy month of Ramadan this year, the Special Branch Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCINU) South Korea will hold the so-called Safari Da'wah Ramadhan to various mosques in South Korea.<>
The program in collaboration with the preachers (dai) of Ahlussunah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) is aligned with the mandate of the PCINU Working Meeting in Kwangju few months ago. The preachers are representatives from some pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) in Indonesia.
The preachers are, among othres, Ustad Amir Husny Mubarok (Lakpesdam NU Jakarta); Ustadz Abdullah bin Umar Alfayumi (Pesantren Raudotul Ulum, Kajen, Pati, Central Java); Ustadz Mahmudi Parjo Karto Jaman (imam at Baiturrohman mosque, Ngadipurwo, Blora, Central Java); and some leaders of religious gatherings in Pesantren Fadlullah, Blora). These three young preachers are the memorizers of the Qur'am (hafidz).
The one month-program is an opportunity for NU members in Korea, especially in strengthening and preserving the teachings of Aswaja in the country.
"The Safari Dakwah Ramadhan program also aims to propagate the teachings of Aswaja in addition to preserving the values of preaching in accordance with the principles of Aswaja ulema (Muslim scholars) and seeding the seeds of Islam that is polite, moderate and rahmatan lil alamin in Korea by continuing to maintain the traditions and belief systems of the Aswaja ulema," noted a press release received by NU Online on Friday (20/6). (masdar)
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