PCINU Netherlands voices peaceful message of Islam Nusantara
Jumat, 7 Juli 2017 | 18:26 WIB
Taking place at Al Hikmah Mosque The Hague, (1/7) hundreds of Nahdliyin and board members of the Special Branch Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCINU) the Netherlands from various cities seemed enthusiastic to attend a halal bihalal gathering organized by the PCINU.
According to the Secretary-General of PCINU Fahrizal Yusuf Affandi, the halal bihalal event was held to strengthen the network of Nahdliyin and the propagation of Ahlusssunnah wal Jamaah An Nahdliyah in the Netherlands. Taking a theme "Strengthening Brotherhood through the Peceful Message of Islam Nusantara", it was attended by KH Nurul Huda (Ustad Enha), the leader of Pesantren Motivasi Indonesia as speaker.
The event was opened with a rebuke of shalawat by al-Hikmah rebana group, then continued by a tahlil recitation led by the advisory board member of PCINU KH Ahmad Naf'an Sulhan. The event was closed with a prayer led by KH Ahmad Hambali Maksum, the advisory board member of PCINU and musafahah (shake hands) followed by shalawat. Halal bihalal was becoming more festive with typical dishes of Nusantara and snacks served by the committee.
In his speech, Ustadz Enha asserted that Islam Nusantara should be developed and become the paradigmatic foundation for the development of ukhuwah islamiyah, ukhuwah wathoniyah and ukhuwah insaniyah wherever the Nahdliyin are. According to him, Islam Nusantara is in accordance with the characteristics of the Indonesian nation that put together togetherness and mutual cooperation.
"This halal bihalal event is one example of the Islamic tradition of Nusantara that is tolerant and interested in making brothers, God willing the attendees who attend this event are the people who are softened their hearts."
This bihalal halal momentum is a good time for muslims to return to the so-called fitrah (nature). "Returning to the fitrah means we are not only 'going "Mudik" home' physically but also mentally and spiritually. Mudik mentally means returning to the methods and systems of thinking held by the scholars of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah an-Nahdliyah while mudik spiritually means releasing and liberating from any servitude to everything other than God," said the cleric who has spent the last three weeks of Ramadan this year in the Netherlands.
In line with Ustadz Enha, the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja who also attending the event emphasized the relevance of Islamic values ​​of the archipelago such as tolerance, moderation and the attention to others in the international arena which is now littered fully with serous threats following the increasing frequency and intensity of socio-economic violence and imbalance.
"This halal bihalal event is the first held by PCINU Netherlands and is expected to continue in the future," said KH.Nurhasyim Subadi, chairman of lawmaking body of PCINU Netherlands. (Mukafi Niam/Masdar)
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