Program of Action
To Uphold Islam as Rahmatan lil Alamin Toward Global Justice and Peace
The second International Conference of Islamic Scholars,
Recalling the Jakarta Declaration and Plan of Action adopted at the First International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) in February 2004;
Reaffirming our commitment to the purposes and principles of Islam as rahmatan lil alamin and the contribution of Islam to the promotion of peace, prosperity, justice, and equality for all humankinds;
<>Reiterating our conviction that the Islamic norms and teachings oblige all the ummah to deem peace (slim or salam), justice (adalah), freedom (hurriyyah), moderation (tawassuth), tolerance (tasamuh), balance (tawazun), consultation (shura) and equality (musawah) as a fundamental to our way of life;
Recognizing the ongoing process of globalization and the increasingly interconnected and interdependent world and the consequences that those developments bring about on Muslims, collectively and individually;
Recognizing also the continuing presence of socio-economic and political injustice and imbalances and the global level that hinder many Muslim countries to accomplish sustainable development;
Noting with concerns the conflicts in various parts of the world, including Palestine and Iraq, that caused casualties among Muslim civilians, and stressing that every Muslim should sympathize with and take concrete actions to lessen their sufferings, and expressing hope that peace will soon prevail in those regions;
Further recognizing the gap between the ideals of Islamic teachings and the existing social, economic, political reality of the ummah.
Emphasizing the need for concerted efforts among Muslim countries in achieving the Millennium Developing Goals which are central to poverty alleviation;
Stressing the inalienable rights of every country to promote research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes;
Nothing with concerns the fact that Muslims throughout the world continue to face the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty;
Nothing also with concerns the spread of epidemics in some Muslim countries, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, and avian flu, and the effects on their health and on local economies;
Underlining the role of women in the promotion of peace, economic development, and conflict resolution;
Stressing the importance of cooperation in the areas of trade, investment, economic, financing, and development and the need to enhance such cooperation with a view to promoting the ummah’s prosperity;
Nothing the increasing role of Muslim minorities in pluralistic societies and the need to address matters that challenge the efforts of promoting dialogues between those Muslim minorities and the non-Muslim majorities;
Emphasizing that the rights of Muslim minorities to practice the Islamic way of life are assured in non-Muslim countries;
Nothing with satisfaction the successful conclusion of the second ICIS which reflects the continuity of commitment among Islamic Scholars to the upholding Islam as rahmatan lil alamin toward global justice and peace;
Appreciating the organization of Nahdlatul Ulama, the government and the people of Indonesia, for hosting the second ICIS and its facilitation and determination in ensuring the success of the conference.
Resolve to:
Response to Globalization
1. Call on Muslims throughout the world to participate in efforts of protecting and promoting the collective interests of the ummah in the midst of continuing globalization.
2. Call on governments of Muslim countries to strengthen cooperation in taking the benefits of globalization and mitigating its harmful effects.
3. Encourage governments of Muslim countries to promote people to people contact, involving not only scholars but also the Muslim at large, including youth, women, and elderly.
4. Encourage also collaboration between governments of Muslim countries and governments of other countries to intensively communication and further promote dialogue on issues that affect Muslims, including defamation and islamophobia.
5. Request the secretary general of the ICIS to commission a study on how Muslims seize the opportunity of globalization in fulfilling their political, economic, and cultural rights.
Peace and Conflict Resolution
6. Encourage Muslim in non Musl
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