The national leadership is very important in dealing with a strong government. It should be paid more attention by all Indonesian people, especially ahead of the 2019 elections. The presence of strong leaders in today's Indonesian era is a must.
Deputy chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) KH Abdul Muním DZ made told NU Online here on Wednesday (27/3), adding that the strong leaders could be seen in their capacity in influencing others to take part in managing the nation's life.
"We do hope there will be national leaders being capable of working with and and guiding their people in new directions," he said.
According to Kiai Mun'ím, the national leadership is about integrity and trust, including the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented.
Ahead of the 2019 elections, he also called for the importance of would-be leaders to have competency in leading their country for it is among the important qualities of a strong leadership. (Masdar)