There have been many books written by the ulema (Muslim scholars) of Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) which are published and circulated widely. But the pesantren circles seem reluctant to introduce their own works as study materials. Instead, the works are likely circulated among certain circles, and have even become private collections.<>
On Thursday (24/10), NU Online, the news portal of Nahdlatul Ulama, the Indonesia's largest Muslim organization, prepared to kick off the so-called Yellow Book Study (Kajian Kitab Kuning) in the NU Online's newsroom in Central Jakarta. God willing, the study will take place every Thursday afternoon. The NU Online's editorial team is ready to warmly welcome those willing to be speakers for particular themes and receive articles related to pesantren treasures to be published in a sub title "Yellow Book Studies."
"NU Online has collected many works written by pesantren ulema, either in Arabic or such regional languages as Sunda, Java and Madura. Most collections were showcased at an event to commemorate the 10th anniversary of NU Online some time ago.
The Thursday's meeting studied an Arabic work written by pesantren ulema ans was the continuation of the study of Manahijul Imdad written by Kiai Ihsan Jampes, Kediri, East Java. The book focuses on Islamic jurisprudence written in the 1940s and was published in 2005. The manuscript copies have already been in the NU Library.
Now NU Online will focus on a book written by Rais Am (general chairman of lawmaking body) of NU KH Sahal Mahfudh titled "Thoriqotul Husul." This book is interesting not only because it was written by Rais Aam, but also focuses on a discipline of usul fiqh (principles of Islamic jurisprudence) which has rarely been studied in pesantren.
Thoriqotul Husul is an explanation (khasyiyah) of Ghoyatul Wusul written by Sheikh Abu Zakariya Al-Anshori, one of Syafi'iyyah ulema who lived in the 9th century Hijriyah. The 500-page book is published in a limited edition, but has widely been circulated among those who study ushul fiqh in the Muslim world.
NU Online once reported that the Thoriqotul Husul had become a material studied at the Egypt's Al - Azhar University, but has not widely known in graduate schools of Islamic universities in Indonesia. NU Online even got the Thoriqatul Husul file from one of the "online libraries" in Egypt.
What about the circulation of Thoriqotul Husul in pesantren? Based on NU Online's sources, in the pesantren Maslakul Huda, Kajen, Pati, which is also led by KH Sahal Mahfudz, the Thoriqotul Husul has not been studied, and is even unknown to the students in many pesantren. (Readers could add information about the circulation of the book in pesantren: Ed)
In the introduction of Thoriqotul Husul, it is mentioned there are seven more Kiai Sahal's works written in Arabic, such as Al-Bayanul Mulamma' (usul fiqh), Faidhul Hija (fiqh), Faraidhul 'Ajibah (nahwu), Fawaidun Najibah (nahwu), Lum'atul Himmah (hadith), Tsamratul Hajiniyyah (fiqh), and Intifakhul Wadjaini (fiqh). Unfortunately, the books of the country's prominent ulema, NU Rais Aam for three periods, has not recognized yet instead of being studied studied in pesantren.
Even, the works of Rais Akbar (the Great Leader) of NU KH Hasyim Asy'ari have also not widely been known and studied in pesantren. Thankfully the works have been collected by his grandson the late KH Muhammad Ishomuddin Hadzik (Gus Ishom) In a book titled Irsyadus Syari that contains at least 15 works of Mbah Hasyim.
Why have many works of the country's outstanding ulema not been circulated studied in pesantren? It may take more time to answer this question. (Editorial Team)