
NU urges Egyptian and Syrian clerics to help end conflict

Kamis, 3 Oktober 2013 | 03:36 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the country's largest Muslim organization, expressed deep concern over the crisis in the Middle East, especially in Egypt and Syria. NU believed that local clerics could seek solutions to the long-standing crisis.<>

" NU hopes clerics in Egypt and Syria could actively play their role in making peace with any situation so that a possible reconciliation could soon be realized between the warring parties," said Secretary General of the Advisory Board (Katib Aam) of NU KH Malik Madani on the sidelines of a meeting here on Wednesday (2/10).

According to Malik, the religious leaders' role is needed following the turmoil in Egypt and Syria which has not only involved the military but has also caused most civilian deaths.

"Hopefully there will soon be hope for a peaceful way out (of the crisis), without any violence," he added.

He also called on all Indonesians living in the war-affected Middle East not to involve themselves in the conlfict, saying that they should avoid a number of vulnerable areas that could endanger the safety of life.

"Indonesia should be able to take lessons of bitter experience of the Middle East countries in order not to fall in a similar case," he continued.

Reporting by Mahbib Khoiron; Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq