Chairman of PBNU to Russian Ambassador, ‘We Must Have Struggled for Peaceful Solutions’
Jumat, 11 Maret 2022 | 18:59 WIB

Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Ludmila Vorobieva visited the Executive Board of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) headquarters on Kramat Raya 164, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (8/3/2022).
Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Jakarta, NU Online
Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Ludmila Vorobieva visited the Executive Board of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) headquarters on Kramat Raya 164, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (8/3/2022). Ludmila was greeted directly by the General Chairman of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya).
On that occasion, Gus Yahya and Ludmila agreed that the war between Russia and Ukraine must be stopped as soon as possible in a peaceful and non-violent way.
"We both agree that a peaceful solution must be fought for and violence must be stopped as soon as possible," said Gus Yahya in a press conference after the meeting on the 2nd Floor, PBNU Building.
Even so, continued Gus Yahya, this effort should not be carried out in a rush. It has to be careful consideration and careful observations because the issue of the war between Russia and Ukraine is a fairly complex problem.
"But it is clear that there are complex issues that must be taken care of there," Gus Yahya said.
Furthermore, Gus Yahya said that Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) will always be ready to help find solutions to the existing conflicts for the realization of world peace.
"NU is ready to do whatever it can to help lead to peace and problem solving," he added.
Gus Yahya said that it was the duty of NU to create world peace and international order. This principle, he added, is the same as that of Russia.
"Moreover, because NU is very concerned with the realization of international order to ensure security stability. In this case, we agree with the Russian Ambassador," Gus Yahya said.
Furthermore, Gus Yahya said that NU would continue to establish communication with the Russian Ambassador to Indonesia. He also hopes that peace can be achieved again in its entirety for all humankind, especially for the two countries, Russia and Ukraine that are currently in conflict.
"Let's pray for everyone, for Russia, for Ukraine, so that peace soon be reached again in a more just framework for all parties," hoped Gus Yahya.
Meanwhile, Ambassador Ludmila expressed her gratitude to PBNU for the response and attitude. She also expressed her appreciation to Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) which contributed a lot toward the realization of world peace.
"We appreciate Nahdlatul Ulama that contributed a lot to realizing world peace," Ludmila said .
In addition, Ambassador Ludmila also expressed her gratitude to Gus Yahya for taking the time to discuss many things, both related to global issues, the Muslim community in Russia, and so forth.
"We are very grateful to the General Chairman of PBNU has taken the time to discuss several cases, related to global security issues, Muslims in Russia, and so forth," Ludmila said .
Reporter: Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Editor: Muhammad Faizin
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