NU Care-LAZISNU Realizes Free 'Warteg' Food Stall Program at Dozens of Areas
Kamis, 1 Desember 2022 | 20:27 WIB
Achmad Mukafi Niam
Jakarta, NU Online
NU Care-Nahdlatul Ulama zakat, infaq, and alms institution (LAZISNU) realizes free food stalls program called 'warteg'. This program is part of economic and social aspect intended to help capital raising for micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM).
“This program especially for small warteg entrepreneurs in some areas,” said Fundraising Manager NU Care LAZISNU PBNU Anik Rifqoh in press release received by NU Online, Wednesday (11/30/2022).
Baca Juga
Mari, Bangkit Sedekah Bersama LAZISNU
In this free warteg program, poor people welcomed to eat freely at the warteg that appointed by NU Care-LAZISNU.
This program is cooperation between LAZISNU PBNU and Alfamart, also Baznas. The fundraising come from consumer donation at Alfamart that simultaneously held throughout Indonesia on September 2022 period.
“This time, we support economic and social programs simultaneously in the form of free warteg program, so it expected that micro and small enterprise can rise up again, and poor citizens can enjoy free food,” he said.
This program is held at 27 regencies or cities areas in Indonesia: Banjar, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Manado, Palembang, Belitung Timur, Kotabumi, Batam, Bandar Lampung, Malang, Sidoarjo, Jember, Semarang, Klaten, Cilacap, Cianjur, Karawang, Bekasi, Serang.
“There are also two areas in west Jakarta, at Cikokol and Balaraja; two areas at Bogor regency and Cileungsi, Parung; then Bandung city and Cimahi. Also at Plumbon district Indramayu,” he said.
Anik hopes that the program can revive warteg food stall that experienced a decline in sales.
“The program is expected to revive business of warteg food stall that experience a storage of buyers by providing 4.500 packages free ready-to-eat food to poor people which is distributed every Friday for one month,” he said.
Editor: Kendi Setiawan
Editor: Muhammad Faizin
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