Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Jakarta, NU Online
The Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) received a visit from the Ukrainian Ambassador to Indonesia Vasyl Hamianin at the PBNU headquarters at Jalan Kramat Raya 164, Jakarta, Monday (7/3/2022) afternoon. Ambassador Hamianin was greeted directly by the General Chairman of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya.
A unique thing showed up from Hamianin's appearance. He was wearing a black peci (a traditional headgear worn by males, primarily in the Malay community) since the first time he entered the executive lounge. In addition, Ambassador Hamianin also wore a neat white shirt with embroidery accents on the collar and wrists.
He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity given to visit PBNU. "I thank KH Yahya for this opportunity," he said at a press conference after the meeting.
"I also thank the Indonesian Muslim community, especially NU, for their moral support and prayers," added the man born in December 1971.
In addition, Hamianin also gave several gifts to the general chairman of the PBNU. Ambassador Hamianin gave a mosque-style coin launched by the National Bank of Ukraine.
Hamianin explained that the mosque on the coin is the Han Ozbek Mosque. The oldest mosque in Crimea is 700 years old and built during the reign of Uzbeg Khan in 1314 AD.
“This is a national bank coin and it is the oldest mosque in Ukraine. 700 years," he explained, pointing to the picture of the mosque on the coin.
Hamianin also handed over a picture containing the "Syair Perahu" by the Sufi scholar Hamzah Fansuri and the Jordanian print of the Qur'an. Gus Yahya was so impressed with the gift from Ambassador Hamianin.
"Masha Allah, thank you very much. It is very beautiful," said Gus Yahya as he accepted the large-sized Qur'an.
Calls for international support
During his visit, Hamianin reported the current conditions in Ukraine after the invasion launched by Russia on February 24, 2022. He said what is currently happening in Ukraine is a humanitarian catastrophe.
"That is why appeal to the world community, the people, the media, the religious organizations, the religious communities, to stand up put this war to an end," he said.
In particular, he hopes that Muslims in Indonesia, especially NU, will pray that the Russian aggression against Ukraine will end soon. "Every life is valuable. So, I hope NU and Muslims in Indonesia will give us prayers to end this soon," he said.
Reporter: Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Editor: Muhammad Faizin
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