Pakistani Ambassador Visits PBNU to Discuss Peace in the Islamic World
Jumat, 11 Maret 2022 | 19:50 WIB
Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Jakarta, NU Online
General Chairman of the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU ) KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) received a visit from the Pakistani Ambassador to Indonesia H.E Muhammad Hassan at PBNU Headquarters on Kramat Raya 164, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (8/3/2022). During the visit, Deputy Chairman of PBNU KH Zulfa Mustofa and Katib 'Aam PBNU KH Said Asrori accompanied Gus Yahya.
At the press conference after the meeting on the 2nd Floor, PBNU Building, Gus Yahya said that Pakistan is a country that geographically in the midst of confilct countries. Therefore, Gus Yahya continued, Nahdlatul Ulama is ready to find solutions to the existing problems, especially those are related to religious issues.
"From a religious perspective, we (Nahdlatul Ulama) will always be ready to contribute to Pakistan in these efforts," said Gus Yahya.
Furthermore, Gus Yahya explained that the conditions experienced by Pakistan today should also be an awareness and concern for Indonesia to help find solutions to the issues of the country.
"Indonesia should also have the opportunity and potential to help find a direction towards solutions to various ongoing problems," At the press conference after the meeting on the 2nd Floor, PBNU Building.
Furthermore, Gus Yahya explained the demands for Nahdlatul Ulama to help Pakistan are getting bigger because apart from Indonesia having close relations with Pakistan across history. The Muslim Pakistan community also has a tradition that is quite similar to the Nahdliyin (members of NU).
"Pakistan and Indonesia have a long close relationship. The Muslim community in Pakistan has a similar heritage to the tradition inherited by Nahdlatul Ulama here," said Gus Yahya.
Gus Yahya hopes that NU and Pakistan, especially with the Muslims there, can establish close relations and create efforts for peace in the world.
"If NU is more closely connected with Muslims in Pakistan, it is a hope rising that it will create a very positive dynamic to contribute to efforts to solve various problems in the Islamic world," hoped Gus Yahya.
“Today's meeting is very important as it is the beginning of the close and ongoing relationship between NU and the Pakistani Embassy and Muslims in Pakistan. The PBNU headquarters is always open to Pakistan," said Gus Yahya.
Meanwhile, Ambassador Hassan was very grateful to the Chairman of the PBNU for his support and hospitality. "I am glad to hear that Nahdlatul Ulama will always be open to us (Pakistan)," he said.
Furthermore, Hassan also gave the greatest appreciation to NU, because as far as he could notice NU has continued to speak the values of moderation in religion.
"We appreciate Nahdlatul Ulama because so far it has always spread the values of religious moderation," said Hassan.
Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Editor: Muhammad Faizin
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