Visiting PBNU, Ambassador of Qatar Discusses Strengthening Cooperation in Education Sector
Selasa, 15 Maret 2022 | 19:10 WIB
Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Jakarta, NU Online
The Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) received a visit from the Ambassador of Qatar to Indonesia Fawzia bint Idris Salman Al Sulaiti at the PBNU headquarters, Kramat Raya 164, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (15/3/2022). The General Chairman of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya welcomed the arrival of Ambassador Fawzia.
During the meeting, the two discussed the potential for cooperation between NU and Qatar in various sectors, including the education sector and strengthening of religious moderation.
"We discussed strengthening cooperation between the government of Qatar and NU on religious issues such as education, and InsyaAllah, there will be many agreements," Ambassador Fawzia said during a press conference after the meeting on the 2nd floor of the PBNU headquarters.
Hosted directly by the General Chairman of the PBNU, Ambassador Fawzia expressed her gratitude toward Gus Yahya for welcoming her. "I am extremely happy today being able to meet the General Chairman of the PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf," she said.
On this occasion, Gus Yahya explained that the discourse of cooperation between NU and Qatar would not only be cooperating with the government of Qatar but also with several Islamic institutions in Qatar.
"We have the honor to be visited by the Ambassador of Qatar. She is a very intelligent woman and has extensive broad knowledge," said the man who once served as Spokesperson for the 4th President of Indonesia, KH Abdurrahman Wahid.
"We discussed many potential things that could become cooperation between NU both with the government of Qatar and with Islamic institutions there," he added.
Gus Yahya explained that the discourse of cooperation that will be carried out by NU and Qatar is also predicted to be a contribution to several international problems that are currently happening.
"Contributing is a solution to various international problems that are currently being faced by the world," he explained.
For this reason, he hopes that through the collaboration, NU will be able to make more contributions to global problem-solving.
"I hope this cooperation can be a bond and a meaningful contribution to the world," he said.
Reporter: Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Editor: Muhammad Faizin
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