KH Asád Said Ali: Politics must be based on religious ethics
Kamis, 23 Februari 2017 | 10:02 WIB
Member of the Advisory Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (KH) KH. Asád Said Ali (Kiai Asád) said politics must be based on religious morality, ethics and teachings by developing the democratic values of independence and realizing the nation's ideals.
"We should be aware of politics basing itself of the teachings of religion, ethics and morality," said Kiai Asád on the sidelines of an ulema meeting held in Puter, Kembangbahu, Lamongan on Thursday (22/2).
According to Kiai Asád politics for Nahdliyin has to be understood as part of their involvement in the life of the nation in accordance with the state's ideology Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
"For NU politics is the one focusing itself of the nation's ideals and should be directed to the nation's integrity by always upholding the unity and solidarity to achieve the ideals namely a just and prosperous society both outwardly and inwardly.
On the occasion, he also called on the leaders of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) to pay more attention to disseminating and upholding the teachings of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) having long standing been preserved by the so-called salaful sholih.
Present also at the meeting were were deputy secretary general of NU KH Abdul Mun'im DZ, former deputy secretary general of NU, Entjeng Shobirin and chairman of Lamongan's chapter of NU KH Bi'in Abdussalam. (Masdar)
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