Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Jakarta, NU Online
The General Chairman of the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) received a visit from Tunisian Ambassador to Indonesia Riadh Dridi at the PBNU Building, Kramat Raya 164, Jakarta, Tuesday (22/2/2022).
The meeting agreed on cooperation to strengthen moderate Islam that carries humanity. This model of Islam was promoted by the two countries with NU in Indonesia and Zaitunah University in Tunisia as a centers of moderation and leaders institution in spreading various moderate Islamic views.
"We can collaborate to promote Islam for humanity," said Riadh to the General Chairman of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf.
Riadh admitted that his country was facing various radicalizations then collaboration with NU was important to overcome them. Moreover, Indonesia has also become one of the countries that survived the crisis of reform, something that has recently been experienced by Tunisia.
On that occasion, Riadh also said that 100 Indonesian students were studying in their country by the university and NU collaboration scholarships program. This meeting, he hoped, can produce more than that, such as student and teacher exchanges, to a conference together.
At the same time, Gus Yahya said that Tunisia had paid attention to the recontextualization of Islam. This is important that Islam can be more harmonious with the context of today's world.
"In the direction of future developments, we see that Tunisia is also very concerned about the need to recontextualize religious views in Islam so that they can be more harmoniously integrated into the context of today's world," he said.
On that occasion, Gus Yahya handed over two books to Ambassador Riadh, namely the book Majm'uat Muallafat Ulama Indonesia (a collection of 11 books by Indonesian scholars) and Tuhfatul Qashi wad Dani (a biography of Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani) written by the Vice Chairman of PBNU KH Zulfa Musthofa.
Receiving the two books, Riadh admitted that he had also read the history of the Islam arrival in Indonesia to Walisongo's role in spreading da'wah in the archipelago.
Reporter: Nuriel Shiami I
Editor: Muhammad Faizin
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