NU congress logo contest winners announced
Jumat, 6 Maret 2015 | 10:00 WIB
Jakarta, NU Online
One of the NU congress logo contest participants named Zamzami Almakki (34) from Jakarta is stipulated to be the winner of the contest. His one work of two submitted to the committee, is designated as the official logo of the NU 33rd Congress in Jombang on 1-5 August 2015 ahead.<>
Zamzami Almakki serving as a lecturer at the Multimedia Nusantara University, Jakarta and freelance designer, was selected in a jury plenary meeting of the NU congress logo contest held in the NU headquarters in Jakarta on Thursday (5/3).
Nine members of the jury such as KH Slamet Effendi Yusuf, M Imam Aziz, Savic Ali, Nukman Luthfie, Ilham Khoiri, Sa'dullah Affandy, Hamzah Sahal, Ahmad Mauladi, Acep Zamzam Noor, unanimously agreed the Zamzami's work.
As the winner of the contest, Zamzami is also entitled to a Umrah package reward from the NU congress committee.
Organizing Committee chief of the Jombang's NU 33rd Congress KH Slamet Effendi Yusuf said the Zamzami's work was considered the most different from some other 349 logos sent by 281 participants.
One of of the juries Ilham Khoiri was in line with the Slamet's point of view, saying the logo designed by Zamzami was extremely most different, and even changing the design prevalence imagined by the Nahdliyin and pesantren circles.
"The specialty of the winning logo is considered to have successfully expressed NU or pesantren traditions in addition to combining two traditions, the Latin and Arabic with balance. The figure of 33 combines the Latin and Arabic alphabets," Ilham Khoiri, graduate of the Bandung Technology Institute, said.
Meanwhile Ahmad Mauladi, in charge of the logo contest, stated that the winning logo was not automatically used as the official logo of the NU congress. As the provisions listed in the contest poster, the committee reserves the right to enhance the logo.
"Before launching the logo, the committee will firstly improve the winning logo. Of course, this improvement will be discussed with the winner," Ahmad Mauladi said.
"The logo which we publish today coincided with the announcement of the winner is the original one, and has not yet been completed," he added.
Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq
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