The Indonesia's largest Muslim organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has asked the Myanmar government to stop massacre of Rohingya people.
"The call to stop the massacre is made based upon humanity as well as our free and active foreign policy," the Executive Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board, Robikin Emhas, told ANTARA here on Sunday.
Emhas said NU also asked the Indonesian government to take a diplomatic action to stop massacre in Rakhine State and give humanitarian aid to the victims.
According to Emhas, Indonesia is the only country that is trusted and permitted by the Myanmar government to conduct humanitarian activities in Myanmar.
He said Indonesia should utilize the trust and opportunity to give humanitarian aid to the Rohingya people.
Emhas said the Indonesian people should not be provoked and respond excessively to the situation.
"We should not stop violence by implementing violence moreover on the pretext of defending religion," Emhas added.
One of the important religious teachings is creating peace and harmony among people, he noted.
Regarding calls for revocation of Nobel Peace Prize winning tittle that has been earned Aung San Suu Kyi due to incident in Muanmar Emhas said what was the use of defending it while should not massacre happened before her.
Previously, Indonesia's Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin has urged the Myanmar authorities to respect the human rights of Rohingya ethnic minority who have suffered due to the violence from the country's military.
The Indonesian government has also urged the Myanmar government to restore security situation, refrain from the use of violence, protect the Rohingyas, and give them access to humanitarian aid. (Masdar)
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