Shalawat Badar and Syubbanul Wathan officially registered at Kemenkumham
Selasa, 28 Desember 2021 | 17:32 WIB
Kediri, NU Online
The song and lyrics copyright of Shalawat Badar written by KH Ali Mansur Shiddiq, and the Syubbanul Wathan written by KH Abdul Wahab Chasbullah were finally registered at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham). As Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) protected by the state, this is a blessing, especially for the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Bioard (PWNU).
This was revealed in a meeting of senior clerics led by the Rais Syuriyah of East Java PWNU KH M. Anwar Manshur and the Chairman of East Java PWNU KH Marzuki Mustamar at the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri, Tuesday (28/12/2021).
"We should be grateful because the work of the Muslim scholars (ulema), both Shalawat Badar and Syubbanul Wathan lyrics have been recorded and received official legal protection from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights," said KH Anwar Iskandar, Deputy Rais of the East Java PWNU representing Kiai Anwar Manshur. Present also at the meeting was the Secretary of East Java PWNU Prof. Akh Muzakki.
The meeting was attended by a series of prominent leaders from the East Java PWNU, KH Syafruddin Syarif, Katib Syuriyah of PWNU, KH Abdus Salam Shohib, KH Reza Ahmad Zahid, KH Abdul Matin Jawahir, Prof. KH Ali Maschan Moesa, and others. Also present were KH M Hasan Mutawakkil Alallah (Chairman of the East Java MUI), Prof. Dr. Maskuri, rector of the Islamic University of Malang (Unisma).
The Letter of Registration of Creation from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is submitted to each dzuriyah (descendant) of the ulama whose copyrighted works are protected by intellectual property rights. Kiai Ahmad Syakir Abd Shiddiq representing KH Ali Manshur Shiddiq and Nyai Hj Mahfudhoh Aly Ubaid representing KH Wahab Chasbullah. It was witnessed by the Regent of Jombang, Hj Mundjidah Wahab.
Previously, PWNU had formed a team to manage intellectual property rights related to the songs of Shalawat Badar and Syubbanul Wathon, which was chaired by H. Sholeh Hayat (Coordinator) with members, including H. Noor Shodiq Askandar, Deputy Rector II OF Unisma (Member) H. Helmy Noor, East Java PWNU (Member), Siti Asmaniyah Mardiyani, Unisma Expert Team (Member).
"Alhamdulillah, we should be grateful because the two works of Kiai in the NU environment have received recognition from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as intellectual property rights," said Sholeh Hayat.
Upon the issuance of the IPR Certificate, the Chairman of the East Java PWNU KH Marzuki Mustamar expressed his happiness, reminding that these two works were an important part of NU.
"Therefore, it is not allowed to use it for the benefit of himself or his group without permission (which is commercial in nature), because this copyright is the work of NU cadres," he said.
According to Kiai Marzuki, both are symbols, and the NU motto and dignity (marwah), so that they are always accepted and loved by Muslims. Thanks a lot, hopefully we will always get blessings for the glory of NU and our beloved country," he said.
On that occasion, it was decided that the two songs would become the national anthem that the East Java PWNU would propose to the government.
Nyai Hj Mahfudhoh Aly Ubaid, the daughter of KH Wahab Chasbullah, seemed moved by the successful recognition of the work of the NU Muslim scholars. Meanwhile, Kiai Ahmad Syakir, dzuriyah of KH Ali Manshur Shiddiq also said they were moved and happy.
"We are touched, more than that because at Pondok Lirboyo, Abah (Kiai Ali Manshur) is also staying here. So there is nostalgia in itself," said the Kiai who lives in Banyuwangi.
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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