Jakarta, NU Online
The Falakiyah Institute of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (LF PBNU) announced that 1 Rabiul Awal 1443 H falls on Friday, October 8, 2021.
"The beginning of the month of Rabi'ul Awal 1443 H coincides with Friday Pahing 8 October 2021 (starting Friday night) on the basis of rukyah (moon sighting)," said KH Sirril Wafa, Chairman of LF PBNU, through an announcement letter signed on Thursday (7/10/2021) .
This is based on the rukyatul hilal which was held on Thursday (7/10/2021). The situation as of 19.00 WIB, several locations of the rukyatul hilal reported that they had seen the hilal. Among them are Selayar South Sulawesi; Pamekasan East Java; Denanyar Jombang, East Java, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, DI Yogyakarta, and Sumenep East Java.
LF PBNU would like to thank the Nahdliyin (NU members) for their contribution and participation in dealing with this rukyatul hilal.
LF PBNU also asked all ranks of the Falakiyah Institution of the Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Boards (PWNU) and Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Boards (PCNU) throughout Indonesia to disseminate this announcement at the beginning of the month of Rabiul Awal 1443 H to the Nahdliyin especially the board members in their respective regions/branches.
For information, the LF PBNU reckoning data shows that the state of the new moon is far above the horizon, to be precise + 11 degrees 30 minutes and the new moon is 49 minutes 40 seconds, with the PBNU office on Jalan Kramat Raya 164, Jakarta, coordinates 6º 11' 25” South Latitude 106º 50' 50” East Longitude. While the conjunction or ijtima of the month will occur on Wednesday Kliwon, October 6, 2021 at 18:05:13 WIB.
Meanwhile, the location of the sunset is at a position of 5º 50' 57" south of the west point, while the location of the new moon is at 6 degrees 51 minutes 53 seconds south of the west point.
The position of the new moon is at 1 degree 00 minutes 37 seconds south of the sun with the new moon tilting to the south and an elongation of 13 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds.
Based on the same calculation, it is known that the smallest hilal parameter occurs in Jayapura City, Papua Province, with a height of 10 degrees 19 minutes and the new moon 44 minutes 37 seconds. Meanwhile, the largest hilal parameter occurred at Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, West Java Province, with a height of 11 degrees and 32 minutes and a length of 49 minutes 51 seconds.
Rukyatul Hilal in the month of Rabiul Awal 1443 H was held on Thursday (7/10/2021) coinciding with 29 Safar 1443 H by implementing strict health protocols. LF PBNU has instructed all hilal observers to be able to implement the health protocols.
Reporter: Syakir NF
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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