All lines of thought of the late KH Abdurrahman Whid (Gus Dur) are primarily based on in the teachings of Islam as blessings for the universe (rahmatan lil Alamin).
The Gus Dur's wife Hj. Shinta Nuriyah made the remarks on a scholarly meeting, marking the opening of the so-called Kelas Pemikiran Gus Dur (KPG), held by the Jakarta's Gusdurian Community Jakarta at the Puan Amal Hayati Foundation, Ciganjur, South Jakarta over the weekend.
"All thoughts gained by Gus Dur are as rahmatan lil Alamin (blessings for the universe). That's why Gus Dur did uphold humanity. When the humanity is dealt with the conditions of a pluralist society, then Gus Dur also applied pluralism," Mrs Shinta said.
According to Mrs. Shinta, she did know Gus Dur in his adult life, in which Gus Dur had explored his life in accordance with his interest and talents. Both thoughts and ideas left by Gus Dur during his life were so brilliant and most importantly he himself also practiced these ideas.
"There have been many having a good knowledge but most of them have done differently (not in line with their knowledge). Cleverness is used for the speech of hate, insulting others, considering others unfaithful (kafir) and their behaviors are not in place," she said in the presence of participants from a number of campuses in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi.
Cultures in Indonesia were often misunderstood like women are only the ones working in kitchen. Gus Dur could brilliantly break it and uphold the equality of women.
"Gus Dur was of the view not doors to underestimate women. The role of women is vital, as the central figure in human life, and the first madrasa for humans," Mrs. Shinta said.
In terms of democracy, according to Mrs. Shinta, Indonesia is still learning.
"Our country is still young, still trying through a notion of democracy. So it is learning democracy. Naturally, it is sometimes so excessive, and is sometimes left behind," he said.
She called on the participants to implement democracy based on the Gus Dur's ideas and said that KPG was very appropriate because Indonesia was in a not-conducive situation.
"Recently, there have been many expressions of hatred, attempts of divide et impera, and defamation. The KPG is appropriate," she said.
The KPG was held on Saturday-Sunday, 1 to 2 April 2017. Present at the occasion as speakers were Priyo Sambadha Wirowijoyo, Abdul Moqsith Gozali, Ahmad Maftuchan, Zastrow Al-Ngatawi, Savic Ali, and Jay Ahmad. (Kendi Setiawan/Masdar)
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