
Higher Education determine human resources quality

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018 | 03:50 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Muhamad Nasir stated that quality of Indonesia’s human resources still low, which was ranked 36th out of 137 countries. This was based on the World Economic Forum 2017 report.

“We are still very low,” said Nasir at the first stone laying of construction building of Nahdlatul Ulama University of Jakarta, at Kemang, Bogor on Tuesday (10/9).

According to Nasir, among the causes of low quality of Indonesian human resources were higher education, vocational, or training. At higher education, he said, there was no correlation between higher education and industry.

“This is a problem that faced by higher education graduates in Indonesia,” he explained.

Therefore, the development facilities at Unusia Jakarta in Bogor hoped could run well so it resulted a qualified graduate. 

The minister also asked the campus administrator to dare to dream, namely by targeting toward 10 year ahead, Unusia would get A accreditation grade. The requirement is by increasing quality of its lecturers. They were not enough just S2, but must has S3 qualification, even professor. 

“If human resources quality increased, to get good accreditation will be fast, developing process will be easier,” he said. 

While, related to vocational education or training were, the need of developing competency so that the graduates of higher education have competency in their subject.

“The graduates have to have competency,” he said. (Husni Sahal/Fathoni)