Jakarta, NU Online
General Chairman of the Executive Board of the Nahdlatul Ulama Teacher Association (Pergunu), KH Asep Saifuddin Chalim, popularly known as Kiai Asep, said that in his life-journey, building an Islamic boarding school (pesantren) began by preparing a vision first.
According to him, this is the most important foundation in order to be able to direct education according to what is aspired and according to the needs of the times. Creating human beings who have good character and are able to prosper human beings must be prioritized.
"That is the vision of making humans who are excellent, complete and have good morals for the honor and the glory of Islam and Muslims. The honor and the glory of the entire Indonesian nation and the success of the noble ideals of independence, are the realization of prosperity and the establishment of justice, especially in Indonesia," said Kiai Asep in the launching of Kiai Asep Saefuddin Chalim's Inspiration and Struggle to Build Indonesian Humans (Inspirasi dan Perjuangan Kiai Asep Saefuddin Chalim Membangun Manusia Indonesia) at the Sari Pacific Hotel, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (20/08/2021).
Kiai Asep is the founder of the Amantul Ummah Islamic Boarding School in Surabaya and Mojokerto, East Java. He is known as a prominent figure who has very high aspirations, especially in the welfare of mankind. With the pesantren vision, according to him, a mission is needed to make it happen.
"The mission is to carry out the education system at the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School that is responsible for its implementation and is responsible for its success," said the former chairman of the Surabaya's Bracnch Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU).
Kiai Asep further explained that he always read the pesantren mission before starting to teach in front of the students, then the students are asked to follow what Kiai Asep read. Through his vision and mission as the main requirements in building Islamic boarding schools, Kiai Asep hoped to prepare excellent graduates from his Islamic boarding schools according to the needs of the community.
"One, preparing graduates to become great scholars who can illuminate the world and Indonesia. Second, becoming world leaders to prosper and uphold justice, especially in Indonesia. Third, becoming conglomerates with maximum contribution to the welfare of the Indonesian nation. Fourth, becoming qualified and responsible professionals," said Kiai Asep.
After reading the pesantren mission in front of the students, KiaiAsep then explained the message of the Prophet that the Prophet advised that Allah really loves those who have big business and high ideals. And Allah is not pleased with those who have trivial business and low ideals.
Kiai Asep advised not to hesitate to have big goals, no matter what form they are. Having a big goal is a glory and can make individual enthusiastic in living life. As long as the goal is good, it is still worth worship even though it cannot be realized during his life.
"Even though the goal cannot be realized, maybe there are people out there who are willing to fight for it. That will be the reward that will continue to flow forever," he said.
Contributor: Erik Alga Lesmana
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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