NU prominent figure KH Ma`ruf Amin, popularly known as Kiai Ma'ruf, has said that radicalism must be wiped out because it is very dangerous and could threaten the integrity of Indonesia.
"We must wipe out and reverse radicalism," Kiai Ma'ruf was quoted by Anatara news agency as saying on the sidelines of a religious meeting in Tanara Islamic boarding school, here, recently.
Radicalism is very dangerous because it conducts violence in its own way.
The state has a responsibility to prevent and eradicate radicalism and terrorism because it is very dangerous and could become a threat to the nation life. Radicalism and and terrorism must not be allowed to spread in this country.
"I think radicalism must be prevented from growing and spreading in Indonesia," the vice presidential candidate said.
Indonesia has been built based on agreements to accept Pancasila ideology, the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945), Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity slogan), and NKRI (The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia), according to him.
So, if there are groups that contradict, including those practice radicalism and terrorism, they must be wiped out.
Indonesia, which is religiously, racially , and culturally diverse, has been peaceful, tolerant, and harmonious so far.
"We must wipe out radicalism because it`s dangerous and becomes a threat to the integrity of NKRI," Kiai Ma'ruf, the running mate of incumbent Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the presidential election next year, said. (Masdar)
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