Nahdliyin told to play the role of Aswaja doctrine in society
Ahad, 10 Januari 2016 | 15:35 WIB
Malang, NU Online
Member of the Advisory Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) KH Tholhah Hasan called on all NU followers (Nahdliyin) to play the important role of Aswaja doctrine in society.
According to Kiai Tholhah the country's largest muslim organization treating the doctrine as its theological doctrine and guidance in rituals proved that it has historical consciousness among their followers.
"It is important to note that Nahdliyin should be aware of themselves especially in playing their social roles by consistently promoting and preserving the teachings of Aswaja as propagated by the NU," Kiai Tholhah told NU Online here recently.
In addition to treating Aswaja as its theological doctrine, NU has also considered the importance of Nahdliyin to take into account the concepts of sufism established by Imam Junaid al-Baghdadi and Imam Aal-Ghazali.
He added that the concept of Aswaja which NU established should give impact on developing and strengthening the understanding the concept of Aswaja itself. (masdar)
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