In the last eight years, Nahdlatul Ulama has made concrete steps. In its 32nd congress (Muktamar) in Makassar in 2010 NU proposed the theme "Khidmah Nahdliyah for Indonesian Dignity". The theme is based on the concerns of existing radical ideologies, so it is feared to dim the moderate attitude that characterizes Indonesian society.
The statement was made by deputy secretary general of NU KH Abdul Mun'im DZ on the sidelines of a phone conversation with NU Online here recently.
Reffering to the statements made by former deputy general chairman of NU KH As'ad Said Ali as saying that NU will pay more attention to 3 programs namely da'wah, social activities, and economic empowerment.
"NU is committed to building the independence of the ummah, reducing the socio-economic disparity, strengthening the moderate and tolerant teachings of ahlussunah wal jamaah (Islam Nusantara) and keeping away from violence, pursuing justice and civility," Muním said.
According to Muním, at the NU's 33rd Congress in Jombang, East Java, August 1-5, 2015, the NU's attitude in responding to global and national developments is increasingly emphasized by taking the theme "Strengthening Islam Nusantara for Indonesia and World Civilization.
"Broadly speaking, the NU's action programs have focused more on implementing such programs as dakwah, social activities and economic empowerment. Firstly in the field of dakwah, NU is committed to both preserving and propagating the teachings of ahlussunah wal jamaah an-nahdliyah in addition to tackling radical ideologies in the community especially through intensive regeneration programs."
"Including in this activity is participating in realizing the harmonization of religious life in the global level. For example, NU held an international dialogue by sending delegation to Afghanistan and also invited Afghan clerics to visit Indonesia. The main purpose is to introduce the values of Tasamuh (tolerance), Tawasuth (moderation), Tawazun (balanced), 'Adalah (justice), and Ukhuwah (brotherhood) which includes ukhuwah Islamiyah (fellow Muslims), ukhuwah wathoniyah (fellow citizens) ukhuwah basyariah (fellow human beings)," he added.
The dialogue and mutual visits resulted in the formation of the Afghan Nahdlatul Ulama around August 2014 in Kabul.
While in the field of social activities, Munim said, NU would focus on social services through the utilization of zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh. Special educational services are directed to improve the quality of the people through the renewal of a balanced curriculum between the substance of religion and worldliness in order to form a generation that is broad-minded, firm and independent.
"And in the field of economic empowerment. It is directed to create an entrepreneurial spirit among nahdliyin (NU followers) and the development of shariah economy by focusing on medium and long term goals to fortify the ummah from the dominance of global capitalism. This is simultaneously to practice the spirit of pluralism in the economic field between the rich and the poor, a synergy between those who are economically strong and the weak for the sake of mutual benefit." (Masdar)
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