Jakarta, NU Online
Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) initiated a gathering so-called
Madrassah Kader NU (NU Cadre Madrassa) in Pondok Pesantren Al-tsaqofah,
Jakarta, on Tuesday (6/9).
The event participated by board members of NU institutions and autonomous bodies will last until Wednesday (7/9).
to the General Chairman of NU KH Said Aqil Siroj, popularly known as
Kang Said, the purposeful event is part of the NU commitment to
realizing the 33rd NU Congress mandate that was held in Jombang East
Java last year.
Kang Said added that the purpose of NU cadre
madrassa was not to recruit NU board members, but to deal with both the
vision and perception of NU and Aswaja.
"Aswaja is spacious,
but we ourselves narrow it," he said in a speech at the opening ceremony
of the event, expecting it to be held in accordance with the planned
program. (Abdullah Alawi/Masdar)
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