Member of the Advisory Board of Nahdlatul Ulama who is also the Indonesian vice president Jusuf Kalla said Islamic propagation in Indonesia had made considerable progress. He saw the sign from the numbers of Muslim scholars (ulema) having used social media for their propagation and TV stations that aired Islamic preaching.
“I count the most exciting propagation is in social media and television we have four times or more propagation shows in average,” Kalla said in Jakarta on Wednesday (04/07).
Kalla said the progress of Islamic proagation also appeared from the social side. For example, it is related to the use of hijab.
According to Kalla currently Muslim women no longer feel embarassed to wear hijab. Meanwhile, in the past, hijab once became the subject of mocking at schools.
He aslo said there had been some 80 percent of universities students wearing hijab. It showed a remarkable social change among Muslims.
“Many Muslim women have worn hijab, but in the past it was not like that, this is an extraordinary social change,” he added.
In addition, gambus music has become more common. In fact, in the past this kind of music was only played in villages. According to him, the social changes were the result of an increasingly widespread Islamic propagation. (Masdar)
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