Thousands of mourners attend funeral for KH Chasbullah Badawi
Selasa, 6 Juni 2017 | 17:49 WIB
Thousands of mourners attended the funeral service of the late KH Chasbullah Badawi at Al-Ihya Ulumaddin Islamic boarding school (pesantren) Kesugihan, Cilacap, Central Java, on Tuesday (6/6).
The mourners came from such cities as Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap, Kebumen and others. They are mostly alumni of Pesantren Al-Ihya Ulumaddin.
Present also at the funeral were NU board members of Cilacap, Banyumas, and some NU autonomous bodies such as Ansor Youth Movement, Ansor Multipurpose Front (Banser), the regent of Cilacap Tato Suwito Pamjui and his entourage.
Rofik Ahmad, an alumnus of pesantren Al Ihya Ulumaddin said that the late KH Chasbullah Badawi was a very unpretentious and humble figure.
"He considers all santri as his children," said the 1996 alumnus. "So, no wonder if all of his santri have also considered him as his own father," he said on the sidelines of the funeral.
KH Chasbullah Badawi died at the age of 79 (1938-2017). He left 10 children, 5 sons and 5 daughters, and 30 grandchildren. (Kifayatul Akhyar/Masdar)
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