LFNU presents mechanism of determining the beginning of Syawal
Selasa, 15 September 2009 | 01:17 WIB
Chairman of the NU Astronomy Committee (LFNU) KH Ghozali Masroeri will reportedly deliver a special religious gathering at the NU Online editorial room this afternoon dealing with the mechanism of determining the beginning of Islamic months (Qomariah) especially the beginning of Syawal 1430 H.
The gathering will also be broadcast online through the Yahoo Messenger teleconference at an account pbnu_online@yahoo.com at 16.00-17.30.<>
According to the NU Online director, Abdul Mun'im DZ, the NU news portal had for years held online religious gatherings to take up various issues in which the gatherings could directly be accessed by public anywhere through a simple facility.
The already three year old-gatherings have been participated by those are from Indonesia and other countries such as Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands, US and so on.
Mun'im said that to give more understanding about the mechanism of determining the beginning of Syawal this year, NU Online specially invited an astronomy expert KH Ghozali Masroeri to deliver a subjectmatter related to the mechanism of determining the beginning of Islamic months in the perspective of NU, the Indonesian largest Muslim organization.
"Within NU itself, there have been many (NU followers) whose no more understanding about falakiyah (astronomy issues). For instance, many have considered that NU did not understand about hisab and relied solely on rukyat. Thus such issues as hisab and rukyat are necessary to deeply be explained through ways easily understood by public," Mun'im said.
He said that LFNU would also discuss more about the itsbat meeting and the government's authority in determining the first day of Islamic months, including when will NU announce its decision in dealing with the beginning of Syawal this year.
Mun'im expected the religious gathering to give the latest information about the development of astronomy sciences within NU community and attract those are interested in the subject matter. (nam)
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