Banser and Kokam told to have stronger spirit of nationalism
Selasa, 26 Desember 2017 | 02:42 WIB
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has called on the youth wings of Indonesia’s two largest Islamic organizations, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah, to continue strengthening their spirit of nationalism and diversity to maintain the unity of the nation.
“For me, nationalism is the basis for the advancement of this nation,” said Jokowi in front of members of NU’s youth wing, Barisan Ansor Serbaguna (Banser), and Muhammadiyah’s youth organization, Komando Kesiapsiagaan Angkatan Muda (Kokam).
The President was speaking during a call for readiness ceremony for Muslim youths at Siwa Field in the Prambanan Temple tourism park recently.
Around 20,000 Banser and Kokam members attended the event themed “Pemuda Hebat Jaga Bumi (Great youths protect the earth)”. President Jokowi, accompanied by First Lady Iriana, later planted trees on Siwa Field.
In his remarks, Jokowi said Banser and Kokam members were carrying on the struggle of kyai (Islamic teachers) and ulema (clerics), as well as heroes that had fought for the establishment of Islam as rahmatan lil alamin (a blessing for the universe) in Indonesia.
“You have to continue advancing Islam Nusantara [Islam of the Archipelago] and Islam that promotes development. We are a country with the biggest Muslim population in the world,” said Jokowi.
The President further said that many countries had learned from Indonesia on how to maintain harmony amid ethnicity and religious diversity.
“Indonesia has become a source of inspiration on tolerance and cooperativeness.” (JP/Masdar)
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