Muhamad Abror
Jakarta, NU Online
Victims of being infected with the Covid-19 have forced some residents to undergo self-isolation (isoman). However, a new problem arises when the restrictions on people's activities actually make it difficult for them to meet their daily needs.
This prompted North Jakarta Fatayat NU to support the self isolation care movement with the theme Together We Restore Jakarta. The chairwoman of North Jakarta Fatayat NU, Hj Yulisa Rachmayani, immediately consolidated with all related elements.
“Starting from the concern of PWNU DKI Jakarta towards isoman patients who cannot go out to fulfill their daily needs. Finally, PWNU took us the North Jakarta Fatayat NU to create the Self-Isolation Care movement," she told NU Online here on Friday (6/8).
“The Self-Isolation care programinitiated by the Jakarta PWNU management, has been delegated to PCNUs throughout Jakarta," she said, adding that the movement was realized by supplying 200 boxes of rice per day for 10 consecutive days, from 27 July to 5 August before being distributed to residents who are undergoing self-isolation.
The 200 boxes of rice were divided into 100 boxes each is for two soup kitchens. One public kitchen is for Cilincing, Koja, and Kelapa Gading sub-districts. Meanwhile, there is one more public kitchen for Penjaringan, Pademangan, and Tanjung Priok sub-districts.
"Alhamdulillah, many parties participated such as North Jakarta PCNU, IPNU, IPPNU, local mayors, Ansor, and Banser," the wife of Katib Syuriyah of North Jakarta PCNU KH M Shohehuddin Bukhori said.
Obstacles in the field
According to him, this program cannot be separated from obstacles in the field. For example, the amount of subsidy provided by PWNU DKI Jakarta is not too large. However, what is distributed to the community is maintained properly, with each box containing rice, side dishes, and fruit.
"So we have to think seriously, what about funds that are not too much, but could be used to fulfill the need of decent dish," she added.
In addition to the budget, the committee is also constrained by the cooks involved. As housewives, they have a lot of busyness at home or something else. This makes for a bit of a hassle.
"Until there were mothers who worked as teachers, she had to teach online on the sidelines of cooking," the Jakarta-born woman said.
"With the Self-Isolation Care Movement, hopefully it can help residents who are undergoing self-idolation and contribute to NU and this nation," she concluded.
Contributor: Muhammad Abror
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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