Initiating Media Village, chairman of NU Mataram City receives outstanding award
Sabtu, 20 Juli 2019 | 02:30 WIB
Mataram, NU Online
The idea of Media Village (Kampung Media) initiated by the chairperson of NU Mataram City (PCNU), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Fairuz Abadi, again won the 99 Top National Innovation award in 2019.
He received the award for being one of 21 innovations representing Indonesia as a participant in the United Nation Public Service Award in the Promoting Digital Transformation in Public Sector Institutions on Thursday (18/7).
Head of Media Village Fairuz Abadi, who is familiarly known as Abu Macel, received the award from the Minister Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform RB Syafrudin along with Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, Banyuwangi Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas, and Indonesian Ombudsman Member Dadan Suparjo on the 99th Top National Innovation Award in Semarang, Central Java.
"Kampung Media received an award for being trusted as one of 21 innovations representing Indonesia as a participant in the United Nation Public Service Award in the Promoting Digital Transformation in Public Sector Institutions category," Abu Macel, the initiator of Kampung Media, told NU Online here on Friday (19/07).
The chairman of the NU Mataram City in the two periods also said that previously Media Village had also been awarded in the 9 Top National Public Service Innovations by The ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform on 30 April 2014, and had received a USO Award from the Ministry of Communication and Information in 2011.
"The award is proof that Kampung Media is the Citizen Journalism Portal that has an important role in developing NTB in particular and Indonesia in general, because the Kampung Media continues to prove to be a very effective media for promotion and public service," he said.
According to Abu Macel, almost all villagers of Kampung Media have promoted SME products, destinations, tour packages, and various businesses that they are involved in. Kampung Media is also used as a medium of information on public services that is quite significant in spurring the effectiveness of public services in NTB.
"Several regional governments (Pemda) from various regions of Indonesia, including Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, various national and international institutions have come to NTB to learn about public services to NTB Communication and Information and Head of Media Village," he explained.
According to him, the progress in the field of development, public services, government, and tourism in NTB is inseparable from the existence of Media Village which is a means of disseminating information for the NTB community. (Hadi / Masdar)
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