Semarang, NU Online
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) must continue to improve its internal management, even though it has globally been recognized after successfully establishing its position in the midst of the people of the archipelago.
The chairman of the Regional Management of Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) of Yogyakarta Prof. KH Nizar Ali said, for the time being NU Nusantara was considered complete. Because it's time for NU to go international coupled with its managerial improvement.
"As the largest religious organization in the world, NU needs to act and serve at a global level," said Prof. KH. Nizar Ali at a meeting organized by the Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Branch Management of Semarang in collaboration with the Alumni Family Association (IKA) of Ansor at Al-Mas'udiyah Islamic Boarding School, Blater, Bandungan, Semarang, Saturday (16/10).
According to him, now NU has been established in many countries and needs to be developed again so that its network and reach is wider, so that NU's services could always be given inside and outside the country.
Based on his experience as chairman of PWNU Yogyakarta, Prof. Nizar Ali said, leading NU must have the courage and strong will to move forward.
"In addition, visionary and strategic thinking are needed, so that it is able to make spectacular leaps. For example, NU Yogyakarta is currently establishing a university that is very outstanding and not inferior to the others," he explained.
According to him, UNU Yogyakarta has a specificity, so it is expected to have its own advantages. UNU Yogyakarta will produce syuriyah candidates through the perceived program and will produce great graduates through the existing faculties.
"PWNU Yogyakarta will also build a hospital and God willing, in the near future, build a social institution for the elderly by the name of Husnul Khatimah. All these prestigious programs are carried out with smart work and togetherness from many parties," he said.
Prof. Nizar who is also the Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs called on NU administrators at all levels to have the courage to move forward. Although they are required to be independent, cooperation with other parties needs to be carried out, especially with local governments.
Meanwhile, the chairman of IKA Ansor Mufid Rahmat said that involving in organization should be accompanied by a sense of pleasure. Leading NU with pleasure. Never be tense and put aside disputes with one another. Involving in NU organization should be accompanied by shalawat and entertaining smart humor ideas.
According to him, involving in NU could be done happily and cheerfully, as stated by NU prominent figure KH Hasyim Asy'ari in the NU Basic Qanun, please involve yourselves in NU with joy, love, unity, and so on.
"Why is it necessary to be happy, joyful and affectionate? Because NU is a just, safe, good and correct organization. Inside NU everyone is happy, joyful, and works together without suspicion and revenge," he concluded.
Contributor: Samsul Huda
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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